Super Freak
Blasted my back and biceps last night!!
So two weeks, this is what's in

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Blasted my back and biceps last night!!
Your a beast a skibolskibeastimus a rare breed.
Going to do a light warm up on the bike and then go heavy on legs. I feel good this morning. Right now I'm killing some time until the gym opens.
Hey phil,what do you call a light warm up on your bike.
Maybe 15 or 20 minutes on the bike at a low to moderate intensity just to warm up the legs. On leg days I like to go all out, so I don't do an intense cardio routine at all. Any other day I'll do jump roping or go running on the treadmill with sprints in between.
Is that on an exercise bike or a road bike phil?
i bought a road racing bike about 6 weeks ago and 30 minutes on that was so much more beneficial then the indoor bikes.
You use a skip rope too,whats the benefits...similar to a run? harder or easier on the legs?
I just go on the exercise bike in the gym and then I go and train legs. The jump rope is a great way for me to build up my wind/stamina, however, I would never do it before or after a leg workout. Once I train heavy on my legs I can barely lift them afterward for the jump rope and vice versa. But you should give the rope a shot. Even though it's intense the benefits are very rewarding.
Doc I would follow what Phil is saying, it's sound advice. I'm in the gym now doin cardio but I'll be able to explain some more methods or tenchniques when I get home.
Glad to see the thread lighting up, it shows that its motivated others to hit their fitness levels!!!
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last night i did 100 press up with a chair and about 50 pull up/chin ups
walked 4 miles and 1 mile run.Im starting to use a bar bell for standing eexcises as i have no room for a benchbut all this is keeping me quite fit.
i'm staying around the same weight but am loosing the excess body fat from all the guinness i drink.
Also must get a skipping rope as i thin it would be a good warmup before upperbody exercise or a jog.
So skiman,am i doing anythink that can be improved on?
Ok Doc, I'm back, so the main question that I have I guess is "what is your goal"?
If you are just trying to lose weight it's pretty simple, try to 6-8 meals a day but small meals and make sure that you are at a calorie decifit than what you are eating now, you don't have to count calories but make sure you are eating the right foods like chicken, lean beef, fish, almonds, avocados, oats, fruits, etc.... and keep the tempo fast, just means little rest between sets, that will increase how many calories you burn during your workout. Along with weight training this is sort of doing cardio at the same time while keeping your heart rate up so you will build lean muscle mass and trim the fat while eating the right foods and keeping it intense at a quick pace. I don't mean move the weights super fast either though, some people get confused so just keep the rest periods short and the weight movements controlled and with good form.
If it's building muscle it's quite more complex and it's more the bodybuilding way, from your question up above I'm just assuming that's it's to lose weight , get trim and tone, etc... Which is pretty easy to do just watching what you eat and working out moderately assuming your diet is in check and the workouts are at a good pace.
Powerblocks ARE the best, don't even think twice! I got the set that goes up to 90 per DB. And they rock, don't know how i got by without them. Will get the upgrade to 130 set soon. Or get the 20lb cores to 110(cheaper for now) we'll see.
(spendy though)