Hey guys I just seen this thread . I am an old fart but still believe in weight lifting . I hate public gyms and made my own in my basement ,and as it was a bit dungeon like before I wanted to spruce it up and create an environment that I wanted to be in .
Funny as that's why I'm here as I was trying to find something to complete the gym and a T800 Endo bust was the answer I think , although I wanted a full scale statue ideally .
It's almost finished so I'll post a few pics . I'm building a sort of display case this weekend for the bust and will update once that side of the gym is complete
I don't care for changing weights on bar bells so I bought them all
Unfortunately it's an old house and has a low ceiling so I had to improvise a bit for the lat machine by putting a hole in the ceiling tile for it to protrude threw . I had a bunch of checker plate aluminum cut to ceiling tile size and it looks awesome .
I cut a hole in the one and since there was a hole I put tri color LEDs in to provide some lighting in it to match the mirror colours .
This is my idea for a weight tree/stand etc . I couldn't find anything for sale that I liked so I built my own with 2/6 boards . I would have preferred to used steel but I'm kinda stuck in a wood domain at the moment .
Anyways I used 1" black floor flanges bolted to the wood which fits 1" gas pipe . I cut each one to the length I liked and covered them with thick heat shrink . Took a few times to get it right but I'm pretty happy with this setup . Installed some checker plate to keep the theme going .
There's 3 of these , one each side of the weight racks (the one for squats not shown yet )
There's more and as soon as it's complete I'll post a few more pics