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Due to popular demand…



Here, in the classic but little-known SITH DANCE…


And finally, the treacherous Lord Vader…


I must also mention at this time that I’ve passed the 2,000 post mark!

Rocktonix said:
The eyes aren't to bad. His right one looks a little far to the right but not to bad. I hadn't noticed his scars, but they're opposite on my figure as well.

lol!!!! i'd like to see mikey repaint the brows and possibly darken his scar around the eye. is it me or does the scar appear darker after he turns Sith in ROTS??? or am i just imagining things??
YES!! Those are the best Naked Figure pics yet!! I had a feeling you were waiting for something special to come up before you would post.

Congrats on the BIG 2000

:chew :chew
Once he got to Mustafar it probably would have looked darker. His face was blackened for the rest of the movie. I'd have to watch again to know for sure
pixletwin said:
YES!! Those are the best Naked Figure pics yet!! I had a feeling you were waiting for something special to come up before you would post.

Congrats on the BIG 2000

:chew :chew

Thanks, Pix!

BTW, I'm not on RS so feel free to post away. I know how they love these over there. :D
jlcmsu said:
I'll find one or combine a couple that we have. Just won't tell mom about though. :lol

You should make sure your dad is not lurking about however. How much to keep quiet?:lol
Wor-Gar said:
Due to popular demand…

I want it on the record that I did not request this! :lol

And a big :chew Welcome Wookiee!:chew to JDad! Glad to have you join us!
hunky_artist said:
ok that's just...... disturbing, lol :rotfl

There is just something wrong with these pictures in so many ways. LOL:lol

Thank you Batty for the welcome. :chew
Welcome JDad!

Hey Tomandshelle: Are we going to get a pic of SDCC Vader on the swing set? That forms the holy-trinity of figure pics (with Josh's Doily and Wor-Gar's Kinky Kitchen). :D
DarkArtist81 said:
Just got mine today, and while I will paint him this weekend, I just thought I would post a few pics before doing so.... Here he is!!


Your robe looks like it has some "dirt deco" on it -- did you do that or is that how yours came?
Wor-Gar said:
Your robe looks like it has some "dirt deco" on it -- did you do that or is that how yours came?

No, that is just water.... for now... :D

I wet the cloak to get it to lay right and liked the way it looked so I snapped the pics. I intend on painting my cloak a bit to dirty it up and burn the costume a little here and there to simulate the singed look he had on Mustafar. I'm going to repaint the head as well, to get the eyes to look a little more evil and not dead center staring forward.

I would sand the jaw, but I only have sandpaper and no Dremel. I might try anyway, but we will have to see. The main reason for the repaint is the lips and those bushy eyebrows... the skin tone itself is great, as well as the darkened eye area... It's gonna be hard to replicate that. But I will give it my all! :cool: