Yea forgot to mention, awesome pic bro. That's an amazing keepsake
I feel really lucky to have met James, he came to do an interview in my last year of college here in New York, He was promoting a documentary project and his speech about his passion for acting and his dedication to preforming as best as he could was profoundly moving to me He was so modest about it too, you could tell he did not realize the brilliance in which he was saying which is usually the mark of genuine brilliance.
After the speech he stuck around to meet the students, I was so dumbfounded all i could manage to say was thank you, he was super warm and gracious and friendly. He stood there for like 5 mins while the woman was fooling around trying to figure out how to take a pic on my iphone and never once got irritated.
This news for me, is just the worst. Supper saddened almost like a family member died