I dropped off before issue 200 somewhere But I disagree. He had the Al Simmons face back again for a good 50 issue run at least. At least when I was reading regularly it was a thing so it's very much comic accurate, very much appreciated and very much essential.
I do wish the screaming maskless head was actually not just black and white but that's my only gripe.
The thing that has me stumped is the "modern version. to me it seemed lazy, he needed the tattered cape, the big boot and gauntlet and the pouches on the opposite leg. But then I saw this and I guess its from a recent issue. so bit Modern does it mean MODERN modern? Can anyone shed light on this, the thins thats confuses me is the shoelace face. I thought he dithed that in the late 90s. I think this is an excerpt from issue 300 but I don't know if it was some flashback type thing and they forgot to color the red om his chest?
Can anyone shed light on this?
For me it was almost a responsibility to back the trilogy set. I need more figures. I would and will buy Spawn figures until the day I die.