The Spawn thread

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I watched the HBO Spawn series over the weekend and totally forgot that it never had a proper ending. :gah:Todd should really stop trying to make a low budget movie which makes no sense given the source material, and finish the series on Netflix or the new HBO plus thing.

Having said that, it was kind of frustrating at times watching Spawn do nothing, while people were committing crimes. He'd be moping around feeling sorry for himself in some alley in most episodes. All that aside, his voice was freaking great. Spawn should be a full CGI character in a movie and have the same actor voice him again. Most of the time all you see is a cape moving and his glowing green eyes. His whole body is covered by the cape, so yeah, full cgi for live action.

As far as the figure, I can't wait to get it. It's quickly becoming my most anticipated figure of the year, and I have several highly anticipated figures coming this year. Hopefully we get a few more upgrades, like a smaller secondary cape that's more practical, maybe? I can't think of any other improvements, aside from even more articulation, but I don't need THAT much, so I'm content with the current amount.

Spawn doing nothing is why I stopped watching, that and knowing the Chapel stuff, but for it's time it was groundbreaking mature animation.
Kieth David came back and voiced Spawn for the Mortal Kombat 11 video game so it's possible. Just need McFarlane to want to complete it.
That might be a possible reason why McFarlane did this whole Kickstarter for the action figure, he might be exploring crowdfunding for the Spawn movie he really wants to direct.
Well he lost either Fox or Renner which caused the financiers to back off from fundjng the movie any further or even at all.

I want to agree that this is attached in some way maybe to show new financiers that there is a demand BUT honestly what is 1.5 million worth of interest for a movie budget.

Then again that Invisible Man movie made great money on a supposed 9 million budget!

Ironically enough Blumhouse did IM and is attached to Spawn (for now) and what is Spawn if not an invisible man which is what Todd wanted to make him like this time out!

Ouch that irony hurts lol

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JYE when did Todd lose someone on the cast. Last week I read Fox is still attached but who knows if the movie will ever get made. It's like hearing about Spider-man in the 80's and 90's. Script was written but lost a director. Took almost 25 years for Spider-Man to hit the big screen.
JYE when did Todd lose someone on the cast. Last week I read Fox is still attached but who knows if the movie will ever get made. It's like hearing about Spider-man in the 80's and 90's. Script was written but lost a director. Took almost 25 years for Spider-Man to hit the big screen.

In his new interview he is saying he is not allowed to say who it was but that it wasn?t Fox but that it was another A-list actor so I?m guessing Renner

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McFarlane is definitely gonna go down in history as one of the most iconic comic artists of all time......but....let's be real for a minute: he doesn't draw human faces very well. Just like Liefeld and his lack of feet, I'm surprised nobody ever gave McF crap for how awful all of the faces on his human characters looked. I guess everything else was so detailed and dynamic that we just overlooked it.

I haven't read those old Spawn comics since they came out. But I read some of the transcripts from the lawsuit with him and Neil Gaiman and it was just damning. Gaiman said they were just making stuff up month to month, and had ZERO idea where the stories were going, who the characters were, etc. And looking back, it really showed. I was in middle school when Image started so I was naive and believed McF when he said he had a plan all mapped out for Spawn, but the truth couldn't be further from that.

I had a handful of the toys over the years...can't remember which ones I hung on to or sold on ebay....I remember my favorite was a creepy, lanky guy called "Gravedigger." I also liked the Spawn that was essentially just muscles and you put bone armor over him. I had the Viking version also. And the Total Chaos Al Simmons was just a cool dude in a sci-fi power suit.

I think the last ones I really loved was Manga Spawn and Mandarin Spawn. Then they went full on statues with zero articulation, and admittedly the sculpts on a lot of the later stuff were just incredible, but I hated the idea of figures with no articulation. But I looked at pics of all of them....the cover recreations stick out in my memory as being amazing sculpts.
I never read any comics but that animated series was absolutely amazing. Never seen anything like it. And Spawn is an extremely interesting character and universe

How the series never finished or wasn?t rebooted is beyond me. Or even the fact that we haven?t had a movie since the 90s is madness.

What I heard about the most recent film is McFarlane is wanting more control than the studios want. He?s also supposed to direct which makes no sense to me..

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Problem with the new movie is all Todd. He wrote the movie himself (which is probably why he didn't have many bites from production companies to start with), but he also wants someone to fund it AND give him complete creative control. Doesn't work like that. You want complete creative control you gotta put up your own money. You want someone else to fund it, you gotta give up some control. Blumhouse is the only production company that showed even the slightest interest, and they usually work with super low production budgets. Todd is asking for their maximum budget (maybe a little more), complete creative control AND for them to take a complete gamble on Todd as a first time director. Not gonna happen. Add on top of that, Todd thinking that "securing" Foxx is gonna make the movie a hit... First, you don't cast a movie before you've even been granted a solid production budget, but Jamie Foxx isn't a cheap actor. He get's payed, on average, more than the whole production budgets of Blumhouse's most expensive films.

Todd may command a lot of respect and clout in the comic and toy domain, and I think, even with his relatively mediocre talent in these fields, he's managed to get a lot done purely on persistence and tenacity (and a bit of luck), but he's in no position to be making those kinds of demands in Hollywood, and this movie is gonna go nowhere until he realizes that.
Problem with the new movie is all Todd. He wrote the movie himself (which is probably why he didn't have many bites from production companies to start with), but he also wants someone to fund it AND give him complete creative control. Doesn't work like that. You want complete creative control you gotta put up your own money. You want someone else to fund it, you gotta give up some control. Blumhouse is the only production company that showed even the slightest interest, and they usually work with super low production budgets. Todd is asking for their maximum budget (maybe a little more), complete creative control AND for them to take a complete gamble on Todd as a first time director. Not gonna happen. Add on top of that, Todd thinking that "securing" Foxx is gonna make the movie a hit... First, you don't cast a movie before you've even been granted a solid production budget, but Jamie Foxx isn't a cheap actor. He get's payed, on average, more than the whole production budgets of Blumhouse's most expensive films.

Todd may command a lot of respect and clout in the comic and toy domain, and I think, even with his relatively mediocre talent in these fields, he's managed to get a lot done purely on persistence and tenacity (and a bit of luck), but he's in no position to be making those kinds of demands in Hollywood, and this movie is gonna go nowhere until he realizes that.
This just shows how far from the reality of films McFarlane is. Him directing is a huge NO just because what does he even know about directing a film. It's like putting a plumber in a science lab they won't know what they are doing and will probably screw everything up. His Idea for the film is as long as it looks cool that's all that matters is really dumb. I actually don't see spawn getting a good film any time soon, I do however think it should get a new animated series on Netflix similar to what was done with Castlevania.
Wasn't the new movie basically a Sam & Twitch movie with Spawn barely in it?

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McFarlane is definitely gonna go down in history as one of the most iconic comic artists of all time......but....let's be real for a minute: he doesn't draw human faces very well. Just like Liefeld and his lack of feet, I'm surprised nobody ever gave McF crap for how awful all of the faces on his human characters looked. I guess everything else was so detailed and dynamic that we just overlooked it.

You must be right, because I never noticed the "bad" faces. :lol Then again, his best work had charcters wearing masks. :lol

I haven't read those old Spawn comics since they came out. But I read some of the transcripts from the lawsuit with him and Neil Gaiman and it was just damning. Gaiman said they were just making stuff up month to month, and had ZERO idea where the stories were going, who the characters were, etc. And looking back, it really showed. I was in middle school when Image started so I was naive and believed McF when he said he had a plan all mapped out for Spawn, but the truth couldn't be further from that.

I believe it, he George Lucas that **** all the way to the bank and capitalized on his fame as an artist. Still, what those comics lack in story and narrative quality, I'm sure they make up for it with awesome art, which was always Todd's strength as an artist. He's got a great eye for great iconography, which is something that "better" artists lack.

I think the last ones I really loved was Manga Spawn and Mandarin Spawn. Then they went full on statues with zero articulation, and admittedly the sculpts on a lot of the later stuff were just incredible, but I hated the idea of figures with no articulation. But I looked at pics of all of them....the cover recreations stick out in my memory as being amazing sculpts.

The only McFarlane figures I own are the Terminator 3 figures. The video game Spawn and this classic one are my first purchases since 2003. :lol
He'd make a lot more headway if he were willing to serve as creative consultant to a director with real experience. I doubt the thought has ever crossed his mind, given that he won't even relinquish control in smaller, more realistic situations (like licensing Spawn to other collectible manufacturers instead of hoarding the rights and doing almost nothing with them for 10 years).
McFarlane has directed a few music videos. You may think that doesn't count, but it's some needed experience as a director of a movie:
2009: Disturbed: Land of Confusion (Video short)
2002: Swollen Members Feat. Nelly Furtado: Breath (Video short)
2002: Korn: Deuce (Video documentary) (music video)
1999: Korn: Freak on a Leash (Video short)
1998: Pearl Jam: Do the Evolution (Video short) (co-director)

But yeah, Hollywood often think they know better and would want more creative control. It's why we almost had a Superman movie where he didn't fly and had to battle a giant robot spider, why Wolverine never had a proper costume, why most superheroes wear costumes that have a similar look, why masked superheroes always find a reason to take their mask off mid-battle, and why the majority of DCEU movies are as divergent from the comics. I at least trust Todd to make a cool Spawn movie more than anyone else in Hollywood.
Since he met his goal..I believe the deadline was April 28 for orders

I got some decisions to make :lecture
Sreamingmetal, I would trust a lot of other comic book creators to make a better Spawn comic book than McFarlane. My favorite Spawn stories were made by other creators besides Todd. So yes, I would rather McFarlane provide the ideas and consulting and have someone else actually write and direct the movie. How about Eli Roth for director? Quentin Tarantino? James Wan? Guillermo del Toro? James Gun? Btw, would you want Spawn to look exactly the same in a movie as he does in the comics? A supposed general in hell’s army that has a big red belt with pouches on one leg and a big red cast on his one foot? Do you want that Sam and Twitch movie with just a little bit of Spawn?
There's a new upgrade (#3) for those getting the 3 pack. Each figure will come with a different weapon, so three unique weapons. In addition each figure also comes with the wood with the pikes. So six weapons in totals.

The rest of us getting the classic figure are getting jack ****, and a thanks from Todd. :lol
I guess I'm just used to stupidly overpriced toys cause I live in Japan, but all the prices seem very fair to me.

If you're getting the figure, I can't imagine passing on the autograph. What a great opportunity.