Super Freak
Although i am sure the quality of their replica's will most likely be unmatched, I feel that these choices that ADI will be offering are lazy. Half a head, a 1/5th scale newborn, a tiny plaque, etc. With their capability and access to original material, why not make definitive 1/4 scale or 1/3 scale full body replicas of the iconic beasts. It seems to me that they are going for easy to produce, at a very high price. This is just my opinion though.
I think some of these are their original material. It's the kind of things they use behind the scenes to conceptualise and create the final character designs. I like a few of the bits they are offering. But it isn't necessarily this initial line up that has me excited. It is the thought of ADI themselves doing this kind of thing, and what they could potentially offer down the line if it proves to be financially realistic for them to do so. They have a heck of a catalogue behind them. And who knows, if this kind of stuff does well, we may see the ultimate Wolf Predator maquette made in the studio that created the real deal... Not to mention various masks and statues (arachnid bugs etc)
Many years ago, I sent a frustrated email to Alec Gillis after receiving a diabolical Scar bio from Sideshow. I only really wanted some decent images of the real thing so that I could fix the one tone grey mask with brush strokes and paper lenses that SSC had shipped me. He seemed genuinely disappointed that his prop had been replicated in such a manner and he went completely out of his way to help me. He sent a detailed description of the paint process, with pictures of the real thing. He even sent out a piece of the mesh they used in the lenses for me to use an accurate painting guide. He offered to have his people do it all for me (presumably for a cost of course) But living 5000 miles away I passed him up. Almost wish I hadn't now. I couldn't really have asked for much more, he was a lovely guy and I appreciate ADI even more after that. It seems they have decided to do things properly and offer it for those who can afford it which is very interesting at least. I probably won't even be able to afford a lot of the stuff they might offer, but it sure will be cool to see it all.