And one more little step. Here are the arcades
For the golden knocker I had to kill a Schleich lion.
So now only the temple is missing and of course some smaller and bigger props and several costumes.
Meanwhile I started to work on a story too.
And although I'm just at the very beginning, I already noticed that I need about 10 more locations. So it isn't over yet. (A sandal movie is really a sumptuous matter)
So I will do for some locations only simple improvisations and probably I have to work with some photo backdrops as well.
I have a archaeologist friend that he wrotes a book about the roman culture in my city, he is the Museum's director. He would like to see this project.
Behind the scenes
Sometimes some guys on the boards asked for an overview picture.
Well to be true, I'm not really a fan of those images, because they tend to distroy the illusion.
But they are able to give an orientation and they give an idea of the size of the project as well.
So, here are some of those: