Better than yo mama.
No laissez-faire model has ever been 'applied' genius. That includes your imaginary cause of the housing meltdown.
I'm glad your economic history goes all the way back to Milton Friedman. That way, you don't have to concern yourself with Smith, Say, Bastiat, Menger or Mises. What do they put in the water over there? I think you should try flouride. I heard it helps.
I would vote for Devil as President.
And then request that the US invades UK.
I would vote for Devil as President.
And then request that the US invades UK.
It would help if you cited a model that actually works in the real world.. rather than name checking philosophers and recommending what is effectively a barter system, as though modern global economics can be run on a quasi-Medieval model.. good luck negotiating with Sideshow to accept chickens for a Premium Format statue.
That's awesome.
I apologize for not having a better cat ******* gif for you to follow with.
Everywhere in Europe has better everything than you.
It would help if you took your Keynesian pragmatism and blow it out your ass. Last I checked, the current model has done nothing but fail for a century, except for when it had the luxury of riding on the coattails of periods in which relative freedom existed.
You are simply after the fantastic weather, awesome beer, proper cheese, great chocolate, cute women and Judge Dredd copyright!.. We will never surrender!
..ok, I may have fibbed about the weather...