I'm not a Tea Party fan. Sub-prime caused the crash. Clinton opened the door for sub-prime and lack of regulation did not cause the 1929 crash. The only money made in 2008 was the fiat flood that followed when the alleged best minds in the financial world chose to bail out those who would have drowned in a free market where no help would have been forthcoming (and no sub-prime lending would ever have been seen as rational by anyone other than the kinds of legislative shysters who promoted it in the first place).
From your Spectator link -
'The decline in underwriting standards is clear in the financial disclosures of Fannie and Freddie. From
2005 to 2007, Fannie and Freddie bought approximately $1 trillion in sub-prime and Alt-A loans. This amounted to about 40 percent of their mortgage purchases during that period. Moreover, Freddie purchased an ever-increasing percentage of Alt-A and sub-prime loans for each year between 2004 and 2007. It is impossible to forecast the total losses the GSEs will realize from a $1.6 trillion portfolio of junk loans, but if default rates on these loans continue at the unprecedented levels they are showing today, the number will be staggering.'
hmmm.. '2005-2007'?.. so, that would be a Republican administration then..odd they didn't revoke all that Clinton legislation back in 2001, eh?.. they could have saved the market by letting the banks do what they liked.. oh wait, that was exactly what the banks did and a lot of them got away with trousering the cash.. while the tax payer has to pick up the tab, again.
Fact is interest rates should have been raised after the Crash, as they were after the crises in 1989.. but no-one was going to vote for that.. we get the governments we deserve, through craven self-interest.. ie. house prices and the access to credit that value creates.
The reason financial institutions were not allowed to 'drown' in 2007 was because that was precisely what happened in 1929.. followed by intense Protectionist policies as governments tried desperately to preserve their own national economies.. in short if that path had been followed there would have been a re-run of the Great Depression.. it may not be pleasant at the moment but you really, really would not have enjoyed the alternative.