Got The Thing Ex. yesterday, and I really like it. I'm not a Grimm fan, and not a real FF fan either. But from a visual point of view, The Thing has always been one of my favorite Marvel designs, so I'm happy to finally have a descend representation of the guy. He's big and heavy, but somehow not as impressive as the PF (Grey) Hulk I think. But together, they are complete! Yes, that was an other reason why I got the Thing, to pair it with my Hulk. I had a few issue's though. There where small paint chips here and there. And it was not easy to get him on the base - looks like I'm not the only one with a base/peg problem. The left leg seams to flaot a bit over the base, as if the peg is a bit to long. Besides that, he stands a bit wobbly on the base. You can push him back and forth a little. While the exclusive head fits perfectly, there's a huge color contrast between the normal head and the body...
The box is HUGE, just like the Hulk PF box, so I am afraid this is one of the last items I can stack in my place. I'm seriously running out of room!
It seems as if there are always issues with the SSC PF's. Why can't SSC get the quality control under control?? I own about six PF's and all but one or two had minor issues. Be it problems with fitting them on the base, or small paint chips. Face it, the PF's aren't exactly cheap, so I think we can expect them to be perfect.