The Wait List Worked For Me!

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Darth Sheba

Super Freak
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
North Carolina
I just got a email saying my wait list reservation for Sith Anakin will become a order in a few days. I thought nothing would come of this since I missed the pre-order because I moved, and I got on the wait list not long afterward. But now I'll probably have to move Qui-Gon to the end of the month/first of the month so I don't miss this. So it'll be four figures within a month instead of three.

I guess when it rains it pours. :D :lol
Congrats. I just got a waitlist Reg. Jedi Luke and had pretty much forgotten about it. The figures are pouring in. :chew
JohnyBoo said:
Congrats. I just got a waitlist Reg. Jedi Luke and had pretty much forgotten about it. The figures are pouring in. :chew

Really? you just got it? I thought it would be pretty much sold out by now for that one. I'm on the waitlist for that as well. I couldn't wait so i bought one on ebay.
I had thought about cancelling the reservation partly because of money and partly because I figured there was no way one would be available after all this time. There were, what, 600 non-attendee?
I think once the Con is over the unclaimed attendees go to the waitlist non-attendees. And I think that the allotment for non-attendees was more like 1200 or 20%.
Coheteboy said:
Really? you just got it? I thought it would be pretty much sold out by now for that one. I'm on the waitlist for that as well. I couldn't wait so i bought one on ebay.

Just got him in last Friday. It was a total surprise. I also assumed that they were long gone. They must have had a cleaning day at the warehouse.
JohnyBoo said:
Just got him in last Friday. It was a total surprise. I also assumed that they were long gone. They must have had a cleaning day at the warehouse.

Wow congrats! NOw the question would be if I want two of them!

Sheesh... that's when you know it's addicting... if you get TWO of the figures.
Coheteboy said:
Wow congrats! NOw the question would be if I want two of them!

Sheesh... that's when you know it's addicting... if you get TWO of the figures.

TWO = beyond broke

Is there a there such a thing as being "beyond broke"? :lol
Mine was just converted too! :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew

I had also given up on getting Vaderkin. Tis a happy day.... now to explain to my wife that it's not the same fugure I already have, and to have a complete collection, it's a must. :monkey3
Good luck explaining that. :)

I'll probably be a completist when it comes to the Sith lords. Character-wise, not figure-wise, because we don't know if SS will do different armored Vaders yet.

And my wallet groans again. :eek:
Looks like I can't put off Qui-Gon to the end to the month. But there's not enough money to get both him and Sith Anakin. Somebody is gonna have to go. :(
From what I've seen the lips were fixed. Less gloss and a lighter shade.

I say get Darth Vader and then pick up Qui Gon second hand. I'm sure he'll be floating around ebay within a months time. Or you might find a good online retailer with some in stock.

I too am on the waitlist for Vader. My regular Anakin should be coming soon from ebay. This really exciting, wonder if I'll get bumped up too!
I have good luck with the Wait List, Got the PF Obi-Wan, and 12" Maul Inclusive so far. I have virtually every other figure on the wait list hoping to get them.
I got my Luke and Yoda exclusive PF converted right before they went back up for order. I just hope that my Boba exclusive gets converted too.
abstractharmony said:
I've ended up with three Luke Jedi's overall.



That's the perfect amount. One with cloak in Jabba's palace. One with his lightsaber fighting a future boba fett. And the last without the vest fighting a future Vader.