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I finally got caught up. Really good cliffhanger at the end of the most recent one. Just a crazy thought I had, but does anyone else think Enid in the show could actually turn out to be Lydia from the books? Similar traits. Just thinking out loud.
I agree with pixle. I think she is the shows version of Sophia. It is to early to be planning and introducing characters from the whisperers considering the show is about to introduce Negan.
Just read #149.... really enjoyed it.

I loved Negan and Rick talking. I had a smile the whole time. Only a matter of time until he gets out. #150 **** is gonna hit the fan.
I really feel these read much better as compendiums rather than month to month. I read the first two compendiums back to back before reading a few TPB and a handful of single issues before being able to get caught up and I never felt like it drug at any point. Some slower, non-action packed moments for sure, but not really boring or much filler. Only getting a few new pages every month makes any slowness seem that much worse, but I'm not waiting for compendium 4 in 10 years to find out what happens :lol
Issue #150 :rock Congrats to them for making it this far. I just wish they would speed up the releases! :gah: :lol

Gotta say.... I expected something major to happen.... like a big death, a big surprise, a Negan breakout.... I am glad we didn't get any of that. Walking Dead is supposed to be unpredictable and it continued its trend of that. Pretty good read, I enjoyed it. I didn't think Rick would go out against two towns people, but the way he defended himself.... I think they stole that from the show :lol Was pretty surprised. Interesting to see Dwight back. Now with the military being formed... it seems war is now inevitable with the whisperers. Also.... :lol at Andrea walking in on them. She let them be though :lol
I'm impatiently waiting on Rick and Negan to team up and go to war with the whisperers, lol.
I dunno. I trust Negan about as far has I could throw him. I think he has something sneaky lined up for Rick.
I think for at least a few issues he would actually help and try to regain any bit of trust he could.

Then try to take out Rick :lol

Right now the only guy who is "built up" enough to kill Rick is Negan. If Kirkman is going to kill Rick off (not sure if he will or not), it seems like it should be Negan.... That might be the only reason he is still in the story every few issues.... to maintain relevance for the big event.
I think for at least a few issues he would actually help and try to regain any bit of trust he could.

Then try to take out Rick :lol

Right now the only guy who is "built up" enough to kill Rick is Negan. If Kirkman is going to kill Rick off (not sure if he will or not), it seems like it should be Negan.... That might be the only reason he is still in the story every few issues.... to maintain relevance for the big event.

I feel like if Kirkman was going to kill off Rick, he would have done it this issue (being #150 and all or maybe #200)
New issue today! Thought it was next week. Pretty good. Dwight seems to be the guy now with Rick's inability to effectively defend himself. Kind of sad to see Rick like this now. He really is a liability.

Eugene with the radio.... not sure how I feel about that. Seems kind of cliche at this point :dunno Hopefully it leads to something.
Its certainly an interesting switch for Rick. I guess I still have never fully trusted Dwight after
he killed Abraham
so I'm still a little hesitant to accept him as the "new Rick" just yet. He's obviously going to be their field leader at least with maybe Rick taking on more behind the scenes General type role. And there is always the Negan wild card. Honestly, if they let him out to fight, I have no idea what he'd do. Play nice and go back to his cell quietly? Betray them mid-battle? Or just run away at the first chance? That issue when his cell was left open and he stayed put is certainly a tease. He wants them to trust him. Its probably just so he can back stab them when it suits him best, but then again, maybe getting along after all this time might be better than spending the rest of forever in a cell?

It does seem they are transitioning us away from Rick being the main character though. I wonder if they really would kill him off now? I know Kirkman has said he's always wanted to see Carl grow up and take over, so I kind of always assumed Rick would stick around until Carl was a little older at least before passing on the torch. But I'd think Rick would have to see battle against the Whisperers to get taken out (as they've just established he can still take care of himself in-town), so that means Dwight wouldn't quite replace him just yet if that were to happen.

I almost feel this was more of a milestone issue than #150 was just for that failure moment Rick had. I don't think we've fully seen the impact that one event has cause yet. Things are definitely picking up again and getting interesting. Between this and the show coming back next week, I'm in fully TWD fever again :lol