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Or else... :panic:

You are enjoying this aren't you? :lol

Or else I will just end up waiting another month for the story to pick up. I don't mind the slow story when it is all together... but when you have to wait a whole month wondering what will happen... it gets annoying.
Wow, issue 145 is so boring and pointless. I bought it digitally and kept scrolling thinking there was more, but nope! Hopefully these start coming out two issues every month like they did with All Out War arc, if not, this is just gonna keep dragging out for another five issues.

So wait, you ***** and complain about the TV show and you ***** and complain about the comic. Why do you even follow The Walking Dead?
So wait, you ***** and complain about the TV show and you ***** and complain about the comic. Why do you even follow The Walking Dead?

Do you like replying to all my posts? Did you read the issues 145? It was boring. It was a fine issue, but boring.

******** is not calling a comic boring....

No ******** is what you do every. single. reply. you make to me. Keep on *******! :wave
Do you like replying to all my posts? Did you read the issues 145? It was boring. It was a fine issue, but boring.

******** is not calling a comic boring....

No ******** is what you do every. single. reply. you make to me. Keep on *******! :wave
I. Can't. Help. Myself. When. Someone. Whines. About. Something. That. They. Subject. Themselves. To. It. Drives. Me. Nuts.
I. Can't. Help. Myself. When. Someone. Whines. About. Something. That. They. Subject. Themselves. To. It. Drives. Me. Nuts.

So, wanting a show or a comic to go a different direction is whining? Pointing out the flaws is whining? Wishing something was done different is whining?

I. Can't. Stand. It. When. People. Whine. About. Others. So. Called. "Whining."
So, wanting a show or a comic to go a different direction is whining? Pointing out the flaws is whining? Wishing something was done different is whining?

I. Can't. Stand. It. When. People. Whine. About. Others. So. Called. "Whining."
The comic and the show are not going the way you want them to go so you incessantly complain about them. Pretty much fits the standard definition of whining to me. Meh, do what you want. If it were me I would really have to examine myself if I was spending time and money on something when deep down I really didn't seem to enjoy it.
The comic and the show are not going the way you want them to go so you incessantly complain about them. Pretty much fits the standard definition of whining to me. Meh, do what you want. If it were me I would really have to examine myself if I was spending time and money on something when deep down I really didn't seem to enjoy it.

I actually do enjoy the comics. I just want them to move faster and be released quicker. The show I enjoyed the last episode and did not really like the direction the first episode was going.

I am not sure who you think you are to think I do or don't like something. It is actually crazy that you think I know what I like and don't, actually it is insane that you think you do. Very sad.

Now please, continue to whine about my comments and please continue to act like a child by not accepting others opinions on a tv show and comic.

Awww, I missed it. To bad. Would have loved to know what you said.

As for the newest issue... I really enjoyed it. Things are starting to pick up and the conversation between Michonne and Rick was really deep. I was very surprised at some of the things he said and how he deals with everything that happened. Nice to see Michonne open up and Eugene actually stepping up and taking charge of a possible uprising is a nice twist.

Hopefully Andrea does not go out being murdered by Lydia.... I would really hate that. I think she lives for now... but Lydia is one crazy girl.
The comics are like watching a TV show on commercial TV and having a 20 minute commercial break for every 5 minutes of the show.
I will put this in spoilers just in case. About Issue #148

:yess: Negan is coming back! That last page really made the issue for me. Rick is borderline dictator now. I loved the line of "Next person throws a punch, I put in the ******* ground." Tense. Imagine the hell that will be raised when he lets Negan out? Next issues is going to be insane!!!
Ditto. The last page made me excited for the next issue... something I haven't really felt since All Out War finished.