Nuka Cola Kidd
Super Freak
I can only hope most people are wrong.
Do you really think they would kill him though?
I can only hope most people are wrong.
Whoever the Wolves are it seems they are carving the W in living people before they kill them. I was thinking they were marking walkers but it's much worse. We all know the Wolves are coming but who'll be there when they show up?
I don't think Carol gets it but I'm thinking Glenn will. I was thinking Sasha might accidentally shoot the girl Carl is with running through the woods while she was shooting walkers.
Saw this interesting theory being floated out there....hoping it's just misdirection and not true....
That the limbs found could belong to Morgan:
Would be a waste and disappointing not to see him reunite with Rick.
I have to say the most disappointing thing from last night was that Rick got his ass kicked by a drunk Surgeon who is supposed to be soft. What a let down. He should've just knifed him when he got the okay from the hottie cause Rick can't fight for ****.
I have to say the most disappointing thing from last night was that Rick got his ass kicked by a drunk Surgeon who is supposed to be soft. What a let down. He should've just knifed him when he got the okay from the hottie cause Rick can't fight for ****...
Yeah, that intro music was piss poor. And it didn't work story-wise. I couldn't see the senator/mother listening to that to remember her son. Naawwwwpppp!
Saw this interesting theory being floated out there....hoping it's just misdirection and not true....
That the limbs found could belong to Morgan:
Would be a waste and disappointing not to see him reunite with Rick.
Haven't seen the episode yet but that annoys me. He's like Jackman's, but keeps getting his @$$ handed to him.
I never heard of these Wolves til you just mentioned them. It's pretty sick to tie a woman up naked in the woods for walkers to feed on her. I don't see why Morgan would be the one who did those sick things, so it must be the "Wolves".
Saw this interesting theory being floated out there....hoping it's just misdirection and not true....
That the limbs found could belong to Morgan:
Would be a waste and disappointing not to see him reunite with Rick.
Maybe these Wolves were former members of Alexandria that were cast out (or peeps not allowed in) before Rick and company showed up. Could it be possible that these Wolves want to take down the town and have their revenge? That would explain why these Wolves are luring walkers to the town with fresh meat and why they are putting W's on the walkers foreheads. It's obvious they are sending a message. This probably has nothing to do with Rick and the group. They haven't been there long enough to piss anyone off in the area. I think what the Wolves are doing is based off of some action taken against them by the peeps governing Alexandria. Hopefully, we'll only have to wait a week to find out what's going on.
Really don't know what to think about this show anymore.
Starting this season, I really liked Rick, Tyrese was finally becoming an actual character...
Now I don't really care much for Rick. He's losing it again but in a wtf, poorly written Lori's ghost kinda way. Michonne having to knock him out was just sort of, I dunno, embarrassing? Glenn never really fully recovered for me after his pouty I wanna help fit, but he's certainly in better shape than last season. I like that he's finally stepping up as a leader at least. Daryl just sort of wanders around now. Are they going to make him gay or what exactly is the point of him at the moment? They aren't doing a good job keeping track of all the characters they have. Sometimes a main just vanishes for several episodes and it feels odd in such a small community.
I also feel like they just keep cycling certain characters in and out of situations. Someone is always going through a crazy mode like Sasha is right now. Tyrese before her. And it's always the same thing, they just go out and kill a bunch of zombies to take out their frustration. Like they will either kill every zombie or die trying. Someone is always super depressed. They get better, a new character gets suicidal and than becomes stronger and helps the next suicidal person. Like they only have 4 variant stories to tell. Strong guy in the lead questioning his decisions, guy that's gone bat-**** gung ho protect the group by killing everyone, the i failed my friend and got him killed pouty guy, and crazy suicidal rambo.
The locations and travel have kept fresh, what is otherwise somewhat formulaic character arcs. Here though, I feel like they don't know how to properly tell the story dynamic of a functioning community. I'm also really concerned that they are going to use these Wolves instead of Negan and the Saviors and it will greatly lessen their eventual impact as being the next Governor type when everything they do is already occurring and not even phasing the group.
I'm concerned but I'm not giving up just yet. Let's see what the finale has.