Super Freak
I wish Michonne hadn't knocked Rick out at the end. I was really hoping Rick was going to stand up and take the town with his group rallying behind him.
I have to say the most disappointing thing from last night was that Rick got his ass kicked by a drunk Surgeon who is supposed to be soft. What a let down. He should've just knifed him when he got the okay from the hottie cause Rick can't fight for ****.
Imagine if you had someone like Rick coming into your idyllic little community that's this far been walled off from the walkers and pretty reasonably getting by with model homes, electricity, running water. You don't know his backstory or how "good" he's been. You just see this wild man fighting with the town doctor and spouting off about deciding who gets to live or die. Yep sure you'd want to keep him around. Not to mention he and carol have been stealing and stashing guns. Realistically the whole group is suffering from PTSD and there is nobody around or qualified to treat them. I don't view the townsfolk as bad guys. Incompetent and soft sure, but just because the outside world has gone to crap doesn't mean they should be forced to Ricks way of thinking. Let them live by their own rules and maybe they crumble and get overrun after a while, maybe some really bad guys come and force their way in. But Rick trying to lay down the rules rather than trying to adapt and advise would certainly get him exiled.
I've said it once and I'll say it again.
The people of Alexandria are all out for themselves.
Deanna may think they are a community but they are far from it.
She allows the doctor to beat his wife just because he can save lives.
The coward guy is useless and will run away at the 1st sign of trouble.
Oh man, same ring, sunglasses and shade of skin and jacket.
He could've helped center Rick, what a waste of a character.
I wish Michonne hadn't knocked Rick out at the end. I was really hoping Rick was going to stand up and take the town with his group rallying behind him.
I didn't get that either. Rick is a battle hardened chunk of iron who has killed with his bare hands (and teeth) and this idiot sheltered porch drunk gets the best of him? While Rick has the extra incentive of taking this guy down for the safety of this new girl he likes?
And I'm not sure why he was so opposed to having the guy exiled. Just have Deanna send him away then Rick or Daryl could have secretly hunted him down and taken him out.
Everyone gets on their case about leaving others behind but Rick and co. Left merle... So there's that
What are they going to do? Exile Rick, but not allow him to take his own children? Let him take his children? I can't see how they would do that.
The town let the group in. Aaron and Eric followed them for weeks trying to get the lay down on these people. They went searching to bring people in. They should have just left them alone.
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Merle was a loose cannon and there is a big difference. And they did go back for him.
He didn't want him exiled because he figured he'd just come back and cause trouble. And he would.
How would he come back and cause trouble if he's dead? I said Rick could let him be exiled and then just have Daryl track him down and kill him far from any Alexandrian witnesses. Or have Sasha do it as part of her "therapy."