The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Carol gets my vote for MVP. Morgan, irritates me. He's the new Andrea or Lori.
Enid sure seems like she is working with the Wolves considering the evidence.

Morgan will get a huge reality check when someone he let live comes back and murders someone he cares about.
Why would anyone in the main group die? They are alive because they are better than most at surviving. Should they start killing people for no reason, just to be unpredictable?

Why? All they needed to do was concretize the reality of how great a threat other people are for the Alexandrians.

They're psychotic and barely organized. Given her talents, Carol could have routed them herself, and given how heavily outgunned they were, she practically did.

Here's a thought. Stop comparing the show to the comic. If you want the comic story, read it.

Well... anytime there is a big bad villain the last two seasons or so... no one dies.... Someone from the main group should die.... but they don't. Earlier seasons they dropped like flies... now.... they don't. Hopefully that all changes with Negan.... No emotional deaths really devalue this show. And the main character deaths that did happen were all crap. Tyreese getting bit from behind was weak and stupid... Beth dying, actually that whole storyline with the hospital literally led to nothing. Noah died. Beth died from doing something stupid. Just terrible.

Unless the people watching this show are stupid.... a big old walled community is pretty plain and simple to see that will be a great place for others to try and take over. Walled cities have always fallen throughout history and have always been a target. A random attack from a garbage villain group should not be needed to show that others want to take Alexandria... it should be common sense....

Yeah, you proved my point with that. Thank you.

Here is a thought. The Walking Dead is originally a comic. The Walking Dead is based on the comic with the same name. There is always going to be comparisons, so, no, I will not stop comparing the comic to the show.... Maybe the show should take a few ideas from the comics and implement them into the show to actually make it better. Have you read the comics? If so, you should know the missed opportunists and how well the comics could transfer into a tv show. I give the show some credit. Comic spoilers will lie ahead... so I will put them in spoilers... (even though they are from older issues....)

There are only a few things the show does well that comic does not.
1. Daryl and Meryl
2. Not killing Judith
3. Having Hershel be killed by the governor instead of Tyreese.

That is about it. Everything else is just messed up. I really enjoyed this show throughout the first 4.5 seasons and looked past the issues... because for the most part the show was good and I enjoyed watching it. The last 1.5 seasons not so much.
Enid sure seems like she is working with the Wolves considering the evidence.

Morgan will get a huge reality check when someone he let live comes back and murders someone he cares about.

Didn't she say something along the lines of "That's how we were able to..."?

Probably with the same gun that ******* took.
Well... anytime there is a big bad villain the last two seasons or so... no one dies.... Someone from the main group should die.... but they don't. Earlier seasons they dropped like flies... now.... they don't. Hopefully that all changes with Negan.... No emotional deaths really devalue this show. And the main character deaths that did happen were all crap. Tyreese getting bit from behind was weak and stupid... Beth dying, actually that whole storyline with the hospital literally led to nothing. Noah died. Beth died from doing something stupid. Just terrible.

It's the second episode and you are boring the **** out of me.

Unless the people watching this show are stupid.... a big old walled community is pretty plain and simple to see that will be a great place for others to try and take over. Walled cities have always fallen throughout history and have always been a target. A random attack from a garbage villain group should not be needed to show that others want to take Alexandria... it should be common sense....

Not for the viewer; for the community.

Yeah, you proved my point with that. Thank you.

...boring the living **** out of me...

Here is a thought.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Comic bores the **** out of me. I stopped reading after issue 100 or so. Good structure. Execution is sparse.
Enid sure seems like she is working with the Wolves considering the evidence.

Morgan will get a huge reality check when someone he let live comes back and murders someone he cares about.

I agree to both points.

Morgan's character arc may have been understandable in the early seasons but his 'won't kill' attitude is going to get himself and others killed. Quite selfish in the world they now live in.
He hasn't connected with anyone since Dwayne. He's been completely insulated up until now, and has been able to afford himself the luxury of only beating the crap out of those who would do him wrong. He's never had more to lose than himself and so hasn't had to bear the weight of putting the lives of good people at risk by sparing the lives of bad people.

I hope he learns. I like him.
He hasn't connected with anyone since Dwayne. He's been completely insulated up until now, and has been able to afford himself the luxury of only beating the crap out of those who would do him wrong. He's never had more to lose than himself and so hasn't had to bear the weight of putting the lives of good people at risk by sparing the lives of bad people.

I hope he learns. I like him.

:goodpost: :exactly:
Theyre building up carol just to kill he off. This is the second time now that shes saved the day. Best character evolution on the show imo.
The Walking Dead is originally a comic. The Walking Dead is based on the comic with the same name. There is always going to be comparisons, so, no, I will not stop comparing the comic to the show.... Maybe the show should take a few ideas from the comics and implement them into the show to actually make it better. Have you read the comics? If so, you should know the missed opportunists and how well the comics could transfer into a tv show. I give the show some credit. Comic spoilers will lie ahead... so I will put them in spoilers... (even though they are from older issues....)

There are only a few things the show does well that comic does not.
1. Daryl and Meryl
2. Not killing Judith
3. Having Hershel be killed by the governor instead of Tyreese.

That is about it. Everything else is just messed up. I really enjoyed this show throughout the first 4.5 seasons and looked past the issues... because for the most part the show was good and I enjoyed watching it. The last 1.5 seasons not so much.

As someone who enjoys both media, I personally think the show does a superb job adapting/modifying/improving events from the comics. In addition to what you listed (with all of which I agree), things that I thought were better handled in the show than the comics are (1) Shane being kept alive longer and his gradual descent into madness; (2) the Governor's complex personality and the depiction of all the events that led him to complete madness; (3) the Claimers/Marauders and the Wolves/Scavengers both being elaborated upon instead of being two random groups of thugs that are shown for five minutes and then dispatched; (4) the backstory of the Terminus inhabitants and the destruction of their home serving as additional motivation for Gareth and the Hunters to prey upon Rick's group (revenge, in addition to being hungry); and (5) the sharper contrast between the strength of Rick's group and the weakness of the Alexandrians. Almost everything else from the comics has been handled well (maybe not better, but sufficiently for sure) by the show, in my opinion anyway. Except for what the show did to Andrea. That was handled rather poorly.
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Enid sure seems like she is working with the Wolves considering the evidence.

Morgan will get a huge reality check when someone he let live comes back and murders someone he cares about.

Yeah, ummm.. That has already happened. His son was killed by his zombie wife because he couldn't kill her when he had the chance ...