The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Agreed. Felt like a genuinely tragic scene, especially after Glenn gave Nicholas another chance and put his faith in him. I felt bad and a tv show rarely elicits that kind of response from me. I thought it was put together really well, music and all. I dug Michonne looking into the woods thinking "where is Glenn?".

Now we're going to see some crazy explanation of how he got out of the car going over the cliff.

It was a good episode, bringing him back could wreck all that hard work. They may have something special planned, we'll see...
I agree that the writers filmed it to lead viewers to draw that conclusion, but when you stop and think about it or rewatch it, there is no conclusive evidence that Glenn is dead. We've only got part of the story right now. All I am asking is to let's wait and see how the writers resolve it before it gets bashed as a cheap ploy or jumping the shark type of moment.

On a related note: Did anyone notice that only the three black characters from the group made it back to Alexandria alive?

Upon first viewing it appeared to me that he was Walker chow. After rewatching the episode I'm now unsure if Glenn is dead or not.

Having said that, I really don't see how he'll escape what seems to be an inescapable situation.
There's no way Glenn should have survived that. As others did, I thought he was dead and considering what the character has gone through it was a brutal and unfair way to go out, however this made feel sorry for him in the moment. It would have been a true shocker for the show to do that to us. If he ends up surviving them that scene will lose all credibility IMO.

Agreed. Felt like a genuinely tragic scene, especially after Glenn gave Nicholas another chance and put his faith in him. I felt bad and a tv show rarely elicits that kind of response from me. I thought it was put together really well, music and all. I dug Michonne looking into the woods thinking "where is Glenn?".

Now we're going to see some crazy explanation of how he got out of the car going over the cliff.

It was a good episode, bringing him back could wreck all that hard work. They may have something special planned, we'll see...

he could at least get bit. that i would buy, he gets under the dumpster but he gets bit in the arm or something. i kind of want to see how that would play out

maybe someone comes and cuts off his arm, someone new. at least that's plausible. either that or the giant eagles save him lol.
he could at least get bit. that i would buy, he gets under the dumpster but he gets bit in the arm or something. i kind of want to see how that would play out

maybe someone comes and cuts off his arm, someone new. at least that's plausible. either that or the giant eagles save him lol.

Imagine if he just walks back into camp unharmed...uhh!...

Can't see that happening though.
I love the idea of him breaking the bottom of the dumpster and getting away Flintstones style that someone posted, I kind of wish they did that just because it would be so funny to see
make it all the way to Alexandria on his dumpstermobile lol :lol
When there's blood in their face, the walkers don't seem to be aware of anything else. Glenn squirming under the dumpster while they feed is not going to get their attention, and if he doesn't make noise, they're not going to find him after the fact.
When there's blood in their face, the walkers don't seem to be aware of anything else. Glenn squirming under the dumpster while they feed is not going to get their attention, and if he doesn't make noise, they're not going to find him after the fact.

weren't there a couple of zombies in front of the dumpster when Glenn falls? he didn't even fall right next to the bottom of the dumpster either, it looked like there was at least a little bit of space. (where zombies were walking)

about the blood, that's still a problem because of the size of the group of zombies. they added way too many
All the talk about whether it is glen being eaten - surely his legs were exposed irregardless?
about the blood, that's still a problem because of the size of the group of zombies. they added way too many

Ever been in a crowd and not known what was happening in the front row? I'm sure the message that there's food makes it a ways back, but the further back it goes, the weaker the signal becomes. At a certain point, the size of the crowd only matters if you're moving through it. If you're at the center, you only have the immediate proximity to be concerned with.

At the moment when we last saw Glenn, the appetites in the immediate proximity were concerned with the bowl of guts that just opened up. Their brain stems are blind with the smell of fresh blood. He has a chance if he takes it without hesitating.
Unbelieveable or unexplainable things happen quite frequently.

I remember going to a concert with my friend years ago. A mosh pit broke out around us and his glasses got knocked off. I thought for certain they were gone or at the very least crushed. He bent down searched around in the dark and came up with them and they didn't have a scratch on them. Unbelieveable? Yes. Unexplainable? Yes, but it did happen.
It's unrealistic for all the reasons mentioned in the last ten pages of postings.

And it cheapens the show because it's unrealistic (as unrealisitic as one can get in a hollywood show about zombies). We are willing to suspend reality up to a point. Once that line is crossed, and the producers expect viewers to just go along with it, then, yes your show loses credibility and is therefore cheapened.

Here, it's just not believable that Glen got out. The mechanics of the fall, the volume of walkers, the layout of where they got cornered- in tandem these easily mean death. Not only that, Nicholas fell on top off him. he now has a 200 lb dead man on top of him. So he squirmed out while surrounded by about 70 walkers all reaching in? Bad call in the story IMO.

it reminds me of wrestling. When the guy sells a move that obviously missed the spell is broken. The viewer is reminded that it's just 2 guys rough housing in a ring.

Or as annie wilkes declared :"He didnt get out of the cockadooty car!"
I think your line is arbitrary, and that washes clean 90% of the reasons in the last ten pages of posts. It's circular at best. He has to die or it's cheap because it's unrealistic because he can't escape without being unrealistic, hence cheap, hence Glenn's dead. That's not a reason; it's an excuse.
All of that aside, assuming the factors working him against him are legitimate, what determines success is the quality of the person stuck in it. To have your disbelief, you have to underestimate the character.
Let me abridge your circle: his surviving that incident is unrealistic. Unrealistic events cheapen the show.
You know how they might explain it- nicholas guts got all over glenn and gave him camo from walkers. That's possible.
And that would be stupid because Nicholas' blood, guts and flesh is as fresh as can be. Walkers kinda enjoy that stuff, it's like their thing. That sort of disguise would make Glenn even tastier. Oh wait, it's already all over him.