Let me abridge your circle: his surviving that incident is unrealistic. Unrealistic events cheapen the show.
It is.
You posted that you thought it would be cheap if they gave him a cheap death. Just because you personally thought that, doesn't make it so my man.
The way they shot it was bold, a real heart tugging scene. They're going to back out of it and save Glenn as a publicity stunt. That is cheap, especially after they rant and rave about how "nobody is safe".
No way is he dead. TWD is neither bold nor clever enough to do that.
I think this would actually be a one of the show's most daring moves in a long time. His 'death' wasn't particularly signposted in the episode like the deaths of other characters have been in the past - therefore it takes one by surprise. The mission he is on ends up a complete failure, so what might have been a cliched hero's demise doesn't come to be - few people get to die that way so in that sense it's a dose of harsh reality. Lastly, as was mentioned by Mad Old Lu and Invictus Sol, no one would know what happened to him - which brings a further element of realism and melancholy.
Moot of course. Strong evidence from future episodes indicates that he's alive and well
This is just my opinion supported by reason, fact, and specific examples from the show.
Instead we get Glenn potentially pulling off an escape act that would make Houdini skeptical.