The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Shane is a self centered ass - always has been. He has always believed himself a hero, but he's not. He can use the concept of survival as his excuse, but self sacrifice is what a hero does, not sacrifice others for their own purposes. Yes, he loves Carl, but others love Otis. It's not his place to decide, and in reality he was saving his own ass, not Carl's. It's convienent for him that one might lead to the other.

Can he manage to live with the cognitive desonance that this sets up? He thinks of himself a hero (even when he tries to rape Laurie and considers shooting Rick, he finds a way to rationalize the behavior), but can he manage to rationalze it this time? Deep down, it wasn't Carl's survival that mattered to Shane (and he wouldn't even be able to admit this to himself) but Laurie's approval. And he got it when she told him to stay.

Whether anyone would do what he did or not is always debatable, but like devil said, what matters is how he handles it. A truly normal person who still had their humanity would agonize over it for the rest of their lives. They'd never be 'good' with it - you can't be and remain human. You'd always carry guilt. But if you get yourself to a place where that behaviour wasn't just necessary in that instant, but acceptable and 'right', and can feel you have a completely clear conscience, you become a real threat to everyone around you.

I think this is just a further step with the writer's creating this damaged individual that they can then set up with a great death.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I agree. Personally, he panicked. The necessity of his actions was a delusion.
How can it be a delusion? They were both injured. They were both out of ammunition. Like I said before, survival is a strong instinct.
If a person can justify it in their minds they can do just about anything. Whether or not they can live with it is another thing though. Take the soccer team on the plane who crashed into the Andes. They had a choice, starve or start munching on the dead from the plane crash. Some couldn't do it and starved while others survival instinct kicked in and they munched on friends and family. I also seen a movie based on a real story before. Don't know what it was called but it was in Black And White. Some how a ship sunk and some survivors were on a lifeboat. They were running out of supplies. One of the officers chose to kill some of the survivors so the rest could make it. He was brought up on charges after they were rescued but the other people in the boat praised him as a hero. I'm not defending Shane, just that self preservation will make someone do crazy stuff.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

A truly normal person who still had their humanity would agonize over it for the rest of their lives. They'd never be 'good' with it - you can't be and remain human. You'd always carry guilt. But if you get yourself to a place where that behaviour wasn't just necessary in that instant, but acceptable and 'right', and can feel you have a completely clear conscience, you become a real threat to everyone around you.

Have you looked out the window lately? We live in the reality TV generation. If you remove the "hero" aspect from the situation, I've no doubt that in this "gotta get mines" society we now live in, the majority would do the same and not lose an ounce of sleep over it. New Orleans anybody?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Just downloaded EP3 via torrent. WOW!! I'd put this on par with Sopranos as the best TV series i've seen.

Did not see the cap in the knee coming.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Have you looked out the window lately? We live in the reality TV generation. If you remove the "hero" aspect from the situation, I've no doubt that in this "gotta get mines" society we now live in, the majority would do the same and not lose an ounce of sleep over it. New Orleans anybody?
Exactly. Look at the society we live in. Just off of the top of my head these things happened in the last week. 2 year old hit by vehicle in China. Nobody does anything. Mother sells 13 year old daughters virginity for 10000. 14 year old girl gets stabbed and killed walking into her house during a burgulary. That's part of the point of the comics. The zombies are not the only monsters on this planet.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

From another forum i frequent. Seems this place is gushing over it and others just hate it. (this post is one of many) I personally am having a good time watching.

"I've seen a lot of bad zombie ____ but I don't know how much longer I can stand this since its so godddamn boring and exists totally without logic.

pissing and moaning on the porch and the bedroom and the bedroom floor is boring as ____. Shortround and the girl next door are boring as ____. Old man and old woman wander around the car lot at night for no ******* reason. Skyler and Norman wander around in the woods for no ******* reason.

Travis Bickle makes an appearance Mickey Knox style! He shot that fat ____ and hobbled way off down the road no problem cause all the zombies were behind him from then on eating Otis.

its bad. the budget on the show must be ____ed. I think the sound is off sync as well on some of the porch stuff.

show sucks. I'm surprised non zombie fans would have an interest."
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Shane's actions this last episode will probably mark the downward spiral of his character now. He has always been kind of shady, but now there is little doubt. It is going to make for a great character arc for him, but I don't see him living past this season...unless...anyone think they may his character into the tv version of the Governor? I think it could make for a great storyline, but it is also highly unlikely.

BTW, just finished reading the Woodbury story arc in the comics and all I can say is wow! The Governor is totally whacked and Micheonne is one tough mamma jamma.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

From another forum i frequent. Seems this place is gushing over it and others just hate it. (this post is one of many) I personally am having a good time watching.

"I've seen a lot of bad zombie ____ but I don't know how much longer I can stand this since its so godddamn boring and exists totally without logic.

pissing and moaning on the porch and the bedroom and the bedroom floor is boring as ____. Shortround and the girl next door are boring as ____. Old man and old woman wander around the car lot at night for no ******* reason. Skyler and Norman wander around in the woods for no ******* reason.

Travis Bickle makes an appearance Mickey Knox style! He shot that fat ____ and hobbled way off down the road no problem cause all the zombies were behind him from then on eating Otis.

its bad. the budget on the show must be ____ed. I think the sound is off sync as well on some of the porch stuff.

show sucks. I'm surprised non zombie fans would have an interest."

Why you have to bring this c-r-a-p in here? Let haters hate, just not here.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

It's always fun to read opinions 101% different than your own.

(just think of them as zombies)

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Sucks waiting a week per episode. Last time i downloaded all of them at once and watched them all in one sitting last season. :)
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

A sign of a great show is all the debate and analysis that takes place after. The water cooler phenomenom. I think WD has it in spades. I just love all the debate going on with
what Shane did to Otis in last night's episode. Personally, I could not have done that to someone who had just saved my own life. Otis could have left Shane behind to die and didn't that is what makes what Shane did so unbelievably awful to me. I guess the only "right" and "wrong" in the WD world now is what you decide them to be. You've got to try and maintain your humanity as much as possible, but that is alot easier said than done considering the situations they are faced with. Still what Shane did is truly despicable and he needs to pay for it somehow. It will be interesting to see what direction his character is going to take. Man up and admit what you did and try to redeem yourself or keep silent about it and try and not let it eat you up inside.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

He said he was sorry..LOL.
But, i'm kinda thinkin he will sacrifice himself later on, which is kinda predictable and i hope it don't happen. I'm actually more interested in what happened to the girl.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I hope they don't give Shane a redeeming moment - instead, let him spiral down into a damaged character who finally must be stopped for the sake of the group. Let Rick kill him, as a big character movement moment for him. Shane can even pull the "after all I've done for you" card.

But that's just me...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I hope they don't give Shane a redeeming moment - instead, let him spiral down into a damaged character who finally must be stopped for the sake of the group. Let Rick kill him, as a big character movement moment for him. Shane can even pull the "after all I've done for you" card.

But that's just me...
