Something Sexy
Super Freak
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC
This episode was awesome!
This episode was awesome!
Yes thats my hope too. I have no doubt they'll be moving past that within the next 1-2 episodes. As for Shane, it pissed me off what he did but I still see good in this character. Yes he's losing it but both men were beyond exhausted running away, both collapsed so he wasn't all there. STILL, A FRIGGIN HEAD SHOT MAN! Damn.
Well to be honest I probably would have done the same thing in that situation but still. I get that Shane was drained both physically and emotionally but still, that was evil not matter how you look at it. I wonder what that says about me since like I said I could see myself possibly doing that in the same situation.
Yes thats my hope too. I have no doubt they'll be moving past that within the next 1-2 episodes. As for Shane, it pissed me off what he did but I still see good in this character. Yes he's losing it but both men were beyond exhausted running away, both collapsed so he wasn't all there. STILL, A FRIGGIN HEAD SHOT MAN! Damn.
There should be an encore viewing tonight dude.
They weren't gonna make it and Carl's life was on the line, Shane made a call. If I were in his place and had to choose between the life of someone close to me or someone I just met, I might make the same call.
Sounds like you'd live up to your Darth status.
However if you're in fact also a Fatso you would most likely go the way of Otis before you could screw anyone over.
Well to be honest I probably would have done the same thing in that situation but still. I get that Shane was drained both physically and emotionally but still, that was evil not matter how you look at it. I wonder what that says about me since like I said I could see myself possibly doing that in the same situation.