The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Clean up time?
I hope they don't do some Left 4 Dead **** to up the stakes on the walkers and make them spit or infectious to breath in near or running or something stupid since literally everyone keeps parroting the same "zombies are more dangerous now" thing. I really have no idea how they'll pull that off and make it not stupid but I hope they can think of something.

The group being malnourished at this point would be more believable, living off of food with not enough protein, vitamins etc and having everyone weak and run down would be alot more believable.
I wouldn't mind if we got "smart" walkers along the lines of Bub, Big Daddy, etc.
Yea that would really suck, I've always hated those plots in both Day and Land. Jenner also made it pretty clear along with the failed Penny and Milton experiment and Merle, that theres no one of the person you were left when you turn.
We saw a bit of it with Morgan's wife in the very first episode before they did away with it? She remembered where she lived and even fiddled with the door knob and looked through the hole. :huh

The mindless herds, drooling and slamming into walls and windows got old after Season 2, in my opinion.
We saw a bit of it with Morgan's wife in the very first episode before they did away with it? She remembered where she lived and even fiddled with the door knob and looked through the hole. :huh

That was 3 showrunners ago. Jenner made it pretty clear along with the failed Penny and Milton experiment and Merle, that theres no one of the person you were left when you turn. Amy too, as soon as she got her bearings she went right for Andrea's flesh.
Yea but theres a big differance in one of them grabbing a door knob and learning to carry and use weapons to tear down a fence. One can be written off as a reflex muscle memory the other takes actual critical thinking and problem solving skills. I don't want to see it go that far.
Well I'm not saying that there should be that "spark" from their previous lives like what Milton and the Gov. were looking for. Walker Merle shouldn't recognize Daryl, Amy shouldn't recognize Andrea. Penny should still want flesh. But would it be so wrong to see a few gears in Merle's head turning (just an example)? Letting him use his knife stub to kill and maim prey that he wants to eat? Doing basic problem solving skills that shock survivors? I don't think so.

Giving them a new "personality" or walker trait that wasn't what they were before wouldn't be the end of the world in my opinion. I wouldn't mind critical thinking being introduced as long as they weren't "human" or had feelings. Wouldn't starving walkers begin to evolve so that they can eat? Look at Michonne's pets. She cut off their jaws and arms, they lost the function of being able to eat, and they were tamed. What about a walker that's been roaming around for over a year with nothing to eat? That sucker is going to experience things and adapt. That's what I'm talking about.

The "blehhhh, I'm a slow walker coming at you, cornering you" thing with the animal like sounds and grrrs is getting old. Do I think they should be communicating and quoting Shakespeare? No, but I don't see the harm in making them more sophisticated and giving them "walker" character. I thought we were going to get that with the riot shield/SWAT walkers in season 3, but they were literally nothing.
I have a problem with walker evolution in any media because walkers themselves are human devolution personified, hunt, kill, eat, just the basics. Our "extinction event" shouldn't lead to a newly "evolved" species imo. They are dead or un-dead but not mutants.
Isn't this a virus though? Viruses change. Mutate. Maybe someone who is just bitten and infected will act differently before they turn all the way. Become vicious. They would still have "sense" to them.
I have a problem with walker evolution in any media because walkers themselves are human devolution personified, hunt, kill, eat, just the basics. Our "extinction event" shouldn't lead to a newly "evolved" species imo. They are dead or un-dead but not mutants.

Yeah, but they should evolve to the extent of hunting, killing, eating and being more efficient.

I'm not saying 2007 I Am Legend crap where the monsters have feelings and want to save one of their own. None of that. I just think they could get away with making some walkers smarter than others as long as the goal for them is purely to kill and eat (be it sneaking through a different way to enter the prison or having a specific characteristic that fits what they're dealt with like Merle's stub blade, Riot shields, etc.) I liked Morgan's "wife" doing that at the door, I liked the walkers in the department store thinking things through and using a rock to break through the glass. I liked seeing Sophia shield her eyes from the sun and walk around the bodies instead of being a mindless, noisy, drone. I don't see how a little more of that and making these things a little more deadly and "smart" would hurt this series. As long as they're not turning human or spitting acid or blowing up, I would think traits would be a plus.

I love how they make the eyes completely devoid of any emotion or character, that should hold. They're not human any more, I totally get that. But having them "work things out" in their head and seeing that on screen? I don't see what is wrong with that. Especially if the human population of survivors is dwindling and these things are looking for more and more food to eat as the months go by. They are the majority after all.
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