The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Sorry you guys feel that way - for me it's not about the destination, but the journey. Sure, I'd like a great ending too, but fear of not getting one doesn't seem to be a good reason to deny myself the pleasure of watching a great episode each week.

Now, if they episodes themselves go down hill due to the budget cuts...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Its really back assward because you have some good shows getting cut for seemingly no reason and then there are shows like Two and a Half Men that will never be canceled despite countless problems with actors and pay increases. Shows that return season after season are either profitable or they are not. I'm guessing The Walking Dead can be very profitable if only they would be willing to invest in it.

But The Ween is right, there is no point in caring for a show too much anymore. They come and go with the breeze these days. I haven't been crazy about a show since X-Files.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Sorry you guys feel that way - for me it's not about the destination, but the journey. Sure, I'd like a great ending too, but fear of not getting one doesn't seem to be a good reason to deny myself the pleasure of watching a great episode each week.

Now, if they episodes themselves go down hill due to the budget cuts...

I don't think anyone here is saying they wont watch Season 2. Just that it doesn't make sense that they are cutting the budget. The concern is that the quality of the episodes might suffer and it would be a damn shame because its a good idea for a show.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

This turned out to be such a great show.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I don't think anyone here is saying they wont watch Season 2. Just that it doesn't make sense that they are cutting the budget. The concern is that the quality of the episodes might suffer and it would be a damn shame because its a good idea for a show.

I didn't say they said they won't watch season 2, but both you and Ween did say that with shows getting cancelled before their time, it wasn't worth investing time in watching a new show for fear that would just happen. My point was that the final fate of a show - whether it could get canceled next week, next year, or never - shouldn't be the point, but rather whether you're enjoying watching each episode. Let's not forget that at some point, there's going to be a show you're watching and enjoying that you're not going to get the see an ending to because you get 'cancelled', not it. Everything ends - that doesn't mean the ride isn't fun.

As to cutting the budget - I wouldn't be surprised if AMC lost money on the first 6 episodes, but did so because they felt it had potential. The ad revenue has got to rise, and it's not going to do that without viewers. Ratings for the first six episodes would good, but not great, so the advertisers may still be a bit shy. Let's hope that changes with more press and word of mouth, because it would be a shame of a show like this started down that death spiral where the budget drops because of not enough viewers, then the quality drops because of the budget, and then the viewers drop further because of the loss of quality.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

But The Ween is right, there is no point in caring for a show too much anymore. They come and go with the breeze these days. I haven't been crazy about a show since X-Files.

Please, please check out Breaking Bad. THE best show on tv. Believe the hype.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I didn't say they said they won't watch season 2, but both you and Ween did say that with shows getting cancelled before their time, it wasn't worth investing time in watching a new show for fear that would just happen. My point was that the final fate of a show - whether it could get canceled next week, next year, or never - shouldn't be the point, but rather whether you're enjoying watching each episode. Let's not forget that at some point, there's going to be a show you're watching and enjoying that you're not going to get the see an ending to because you get 'cancelled', not it. Everything ends - that doesn't mean the ride isn't fun.

As to cutting the budget - I wouldn't be surprised if AMC lost money on the first 6 episodes, but did so because they felt it had potential. The ad revenue has got to rise, and it's not going to do that without viewers. Ratings for the first six episodes would good, but not great, so the advertisers may still be a bit shy. Let's hope that changes with more press and word of mouth, because it would be a shame of a show like this started down that death spiral where the budget drops because of not enough viewers, then the quality drops because of the budget, and then the viewers drop further because of the loss of quality.

I hear what your saying. I only meant that a series may not be worth getting attached too, not to say it isn't worth watching at all. Because your right, ultimately its about being entertained for an hour every week, regardless of whether or not the show is on its death bed.

I enjoy watching a lot of shows but there are only a few that i would really consider myself a "fan" of and would care if they got canceled. I think The Walking Dead has fan potential and it would be sad to see Season 2 wither and die because of budgeting issues.

I was wondering about the advertising too because One thing i did notice about the first season was that they hardly had any commercials. Given it was only the first season, but they very well may have lost money on those first 6 episodes. And that's where i may be mistaken because i always thought the first season rated really high and that they would not have any problems bringing in ad revenue this time around.

If the show really only rated okay and Advertising was a problem then I can see how it would be difficult to write those big checks to fund a program that is not bringing in revenue.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

If the show really only rated okay and Advertising was a problem then I can see how it would be difficult to write those big checks to fund a program that is not bringing in revenue.

As far as I know, it set viewership records in a pretty lucrative demographic consistently throughout the season. Makes me scratch my head that much more...I could be wrong though.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I saw that Adweek did have the Walking Dead in their list of 100 most influential shows due to the high numbers it got for the opening week. And it was the most watched for adults 18 - 49 for a basic cable show ever, although those numbers didn't do them a lot of good for ad revenue on the first six episodes, obviously. Still you'd think that with that kind of numbers for the first six, they'd be able to charge enough for advertising on the second season to avoid these talks of budget cuts. That really doesn't make a whole lot of sense...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Still you'd think that with that kind of numbers for the first six, they'd be able to charge enough for advertising on the second season to avoid these talks of budget cuts. That really doesn't make a whole lot of sense...

Exactly, that's what confuses me about this whole situation...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I just can't understand how these networks can start these shows, then when they come sucessful, claim that they can't afford them any longer. It happens quite a bit on HBO. They they just go and start another one and then, once again, claim it's just too expensive to produce and cancel it. Either someone doesn't do their homework, or they don't want to share the profits with the cast and other staff of the show, and start another one with "season one pay". If that makes sense.

I'm almost to the point where I just won't invest my time, or heart, into a series like this. It's different with a series who has a story that ends in an hour, but these kinds of series just seem to STOP anymore and you're left empty or, pissed off!

i feel your pain.:monkey2

Yeah, they canceled The Sarah Connor Chronicles right when it hit its stride and I can see this ending just as abruptly as well. :(

that one burned me along with the cancellation of stargate universe.:gah:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I'm almost to the point where I just won't invest my time, or heart, into a series like this. It's different with a series who has a story that ends in an hour, but these kinds of series just seem to STOP anymore and you're left empty or, pissed off!

That is the biggest problem with TV shows right now. Too many get cancelled too early. I think a LOT of people are like you now. They want to see if a show will last before they commit to it. And by doing that instead of watching it from the begining, the show doesn't get good ratings and gets cancelled. Its a visicous cycle and I don't see how you can fix it.

People won't watch because the networks are cancel happy and the networks are cancel happy because people aren't watching the shows! :slap
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Yeah, very few shows anymore last like Lost did and allow you to invest time in it.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Lost lasted a bit too long IMO. It was really 1 season too long. I mean when we are getting the origins of someone's insiginficant tattoos, you know your past your end date :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

That is the biggest problem with TV shows right now. Too many get cancelled too early. I think a LOT of people are like you now. They want to see if a show will last before they commit to it. And by doing that instead of watching it from the begining, the show doesn't get good ratings and gets cancelled. Its a visicous cycle and I don't see how you can fix it.

People won't watch because the networks are cancel happy and the networks are cancel happy because people aren't watching the shows! :slap

funny that you mention that, i've downloaded many a shows first few seasons if i've heard good things about it, then watched them episode after episode. right now i'm about 1/2 way through Mad Men. soon to be downloading Dexter from the beginning.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Lost lasted a bit too long IMO. It was really 1 season too long. I mean when we are getting the origins of someone's insiginficant tattoos, you know your past your end date :lol

Oh I suppose. I enjoyed the whole ride though.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Oh I did too, but I do feel the writers had to drag it on longer than they wanted to before they finally got an end date. And they took too long to explain some mysteries and never really satisfactorly explained others. The first season was amazing. I haven't talked to a single person that caught it on DVD like I did and didn't blaze through that entire season in just a few days. So many people stayed up all hours of the night on that season. :lol

I'm just afraid the Walking Dead will be the same way. Amazing first season and then slow fade away. This series has a TON of potential. Its the first zombie story that has actually been taken seriously by fans and critics alike. Zombies ooze cheese and much as blood and for people to watch this and have it work without it being a laughfest like Shaun of the Dead, it needs the support of the studio. Its far too easy for them to jump the shark and become rediculous.