Super Freak
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC
I'm gonna go with AMC is evil.
I'm gonna go with AMC is evil.
I'm gonna go with AMC is evil.
And holidays....
And NCAA Bowl season.
I don't think Maggie knows who the well zombie was, although it's possible. I just think it relates to the whole attitude of the Herschel camp toward the walkers. It's the same with posting a lookout with a rifle - Herschel clearly feels that there is something wrong with killing them, and the show has done a good job dropping that information in small doses i.e. his speech to Rick about a cure, his wanting their guns, the discussion on posting an armed lookout, Maggie's reaction to their killing the well zombie, all of it tends to indicate that Herschel still thinks of them as savable. It's still very possible that Maggie did know the well zombie, since it's a farm community and everyone knows everyone, but I think it's more just that this little farm isn't quite accostumed to the full scale constant zombie killing that the others are.
Interesting thought on Maggies look and Herschel's reaction - I just took it that she thought Herschel wouldn't be happy about it (he seems pretty intent on keeping Rick's group away from his if possible) and she's an awful liar.
this show has been a massive disappointment so far. it is almost nearing 7 episodes and there has been very little plot movement. carl gets shot, sophia is missing. what other major points have been touched or even resolved? they should of kept it at 6 episode with movement like last season.
No, I'd shoot you in the leg and take the hit to my character.
Ok, I'm officially tired of hearing that the good things people are doing is out of selflessness. Take your words seriously, i.e. literally. The most selfless thing a person in this world could do right now is walk up to the closest zombie and offer them dinner.
Because the man was his best friend and he would be a selfless fool to abandon someone who meant that much to him.
Sophia was lost, Carl was shot, Shane became a murderer, Lori is pregnant, Daryl is awesome and there's a barn full of zombies waiting to be unleashed.
Have you heard of Ritalin? What about characterization?
Sophia was lost, Carl was shot, Shane became a murderer, Lori is pregnant, Daryl is awesome and there's a barn full of zombies waiting to be unleashed.
Have you heard of Ritalin? What about characterization?
yeah thats my point. there are a lot of events going on but no main storyline to focus the show. the main focus seemed to be sophia but honestly the majority of watchers do not care about her anymore.
the conversation between rick and shane in the previous episode was basically the same one they had in season 1. different topic, but same gist. we already known their conflict for a while now.