The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I agree with half of it. I agree that he was pointing at zombie Shane, but I also think he was squatting in the bushes and while he clearly didn't hear the exchange between Rick and Shane, saw the whole thing.

Apparently, per that radio interview, there was a LOT more of Rick abusing Shane's body in frustration of having to kill him, than was shown. Which also says that Shane's turning wasn't as quick as we thought.

We know Carl saw them out in the field through his binoculars and I guess he then left the house to go investigate. On his way, Carl hears the gunshot and by the time he gets there Shane is reanimating. So I'm guessing it took 5-10 minutes for Shane to turn.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

"He's kicking me and I'm like Mother ------ that hurt!" :)

:lol I liked when he found out he got the part of Shane and went to read the comic to get to know him. "I went and took a dump and I'm dead already."

"Clean out your trailer, get the F out."
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

We know Carl saw them out in the field through his binoculars and I guess he then left the house to go investigate. On his way, Carl hears the gunshot and by the time he gets there Shane is reanimating. So I'm guessing it took 5-10 minutes for Shane to turn.

Listen to the radio interview. :wink1:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Not so sure. The gun is pointed for a few seconds(5-10) before we see Shane stand. Now he may have been moving to get up but would Carl really believe that Shane was a zombie at first from 10-15 yards away in the dark. Carl would have to have covered 100+yards or so in that time in the dark through grass. Of course Rick could have been sitting there for a few minutes giving Carl time to run there w/o seeing anything. That was just my first reaction when I watched the ep. I also want to take into account the relationship Carl had with Shane vs. (what seemed to me as a disconnect from Rick) relationship with Daddy.
I do agree that the simplest ex. would be that:
Carl heard the shot
Rick was sitting there for a few minutes
Carl came up to Rick, saw Shane moving and then raised the gun
Noticed Shane was a zombie and shot him

I just don't see it that way when I watched and rewatched it.

Occam's Razor:lecture
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

But look at what you're saying. Someone who'd kill to protect their family is raping and pillaging. You're wrong. I'd argue that there's nothing more human than the love between a parent and their children. If you can't see the "humanity" in that, then you're the one who doesn't understand even the most basic concept of what you're arguing for. :lol

You left Randall on the fence and destroyed any chance you had of knowing your enemy. They knew the farm was out there, there's plenty of them to search for it, and they're only five miles away. They found you, they burned your tents in the middle of the night, they shot your kids as they ran out, pistol whipped you and raped your wife while you watched. Then they fed you both to the dead and stole your farm.


You thought being human was some kind of emotional, sentimentalist condition, and in your ignorance were unable to access the advantage of what it actually means, i.e., thinking beyond the range of the immediate moment, unimpeded by emotional impulse, in this case, fear.

This nonsense about keeping Randall alive for some kind of concern for his well being is part of the equivocation that you and Ski can't seem to extricate yourselves from. You call Shane's brutality a necessary evil in this allegedly different world, but when anyone calls you on the impracticality of that, you turn on them for their supposed moral failings in protecting their own. Gibberish.

Shane's way doesn't work. A cornered rodent has a broader scope of vision. Atleast they were made to live like that. Humans aren't, zombies or not.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Damn you devil for quoting that. I thought I had seen everything before I gave it up to Cheesus Crust. :lol

But look at what you're saying. Someone who'd kill to protect their family is raping and pillaging. You're wrong. I'd argue that there's nothing more human than the love between a parent and their children. If you can't see the "humanity" in that, then you're the one who doesn't understand even the most basic concept of what you're arguing for. :lol

That's actually not what I said at all. I used an example of raping and pillaging as inhumane acts because he tried to argue that humanity and stupidty are the same thing in an end of the world situation. You can kill and protect (as I've said over and over again) and still keep your humanity and not be stupid about it.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

You left Randall on the fence and destroyed any chance you had of knowing your enemy. They knew the farm was out there, there's plenty of them to search for it, and they're only five miles away. They found you, they burned your tents in the middle of the night, they shot your kids as they ran out, pistol whipped you and raped your wife while you watched. Then they fed you both to the dead and stole your farm.


You thought being human was some kind of emotional, sentimentalist condition, and in your ignorance were unable to access the advantage of what it actually means, i.e., thinking beyond the range of the immediate moment, unimpeded by emotional impulse, in this case, fear.

This nonsense about keeping Randall alive for some kind of concern for his well being is part of the equivocation that you and Ski can't seem to extricate yourselves from. You call Shane's brutality a necessary evil in this allegedly different world, but when anyone calls you on the impracticality of that, you turn on them for their supposed moral failings in protecting their own. Gibberish.

Shane's way doesn't work. A cornered rodent has a broader scope of vision. Atleast they were made to live like that. Humans aren't, zombies or not.

Not really. You forget already what was said to Shane last episode? They're camped beside the highway. Without Randall, they keep following the highway, looking for the farm. They never realized they have to backtrack and take another road (as Maggie informed the group when she rode up on them looking for Lori). So threat averted. But thanks for wasting your time typing all that gibberish. :wave

The good news is, since Dale is still alive, in the very minute chance that they should attack, his loud, womanly scream would awake the group and send them running, fully armed, so it's a WIN WIN!

And spending too much time thinking about the future, you wind up missing what's right in front of your face. Yup, that's the dude with the bite you let in because he whined about being sick and lied about being bit. He's now a walker and just bit your cheek off. :lol
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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

This thread has turned into one of the weirdest and most bizarrely entertaining Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories I've seen in a while.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

You left Randall on the fence and destroyed any chance you had of knowing your enemy. They knew the farm was out there, there's plenty of them to search for it, and they're only five miles away. They found you, they burned your tents in the middle of the night, they shot your kids as they ran out, pistol whipped you and raped your wife while you watched. Then they fed you both to the dead and stole your farm.


You thought being human was some kind of emotional, sentimentalist condition, and in your ignorance were unable to access the advantage of what it actually means, i.e., thinking beyond the range of the immediate moment, unimpeded by emotional impulse, in this case, fear.

This nonsense about keeping Randall alive for some kind of concern for his well being is part of the equivocation that you and Ski can't seem to extricate yourselves from. You call Shane's brutality a necessary evil in this allegedly different world, but when anyone calls you on the impracticality of that, you turn on them for their supposed moral failings in protecting their own. Gibberish.

Shane's way doesn't work. A cornered rodent has a broader scope of vision. Atleast they were made to live like that. Humans aren't, zombies or not.

Yup, I left Randall on the fence. I may not know my enemy but they sure as hell don't know me. You are ass-u-ming Randall's group is searching the area for them. You are ass-u-ming Randall's group knows the farm is out there. Huh? You use words like gibberish and nonsense, well, right back at you because that is what your assumed scenario is to me.

I just don't agree with protecting your own as being impractical as you like to call it. You also always go to the Shane scenario. I don't agree with everything he did. He wasn't even there to rescue Randall off the fence. Both Glenn and Herschel left him there and urged Rick to do the same. Are Herschel and Glenn Shane clones now too? He didn't and look at the consequences of that action. Dale storms off in a tizzy after not getting his way and gets ripped open by a Walker. Now you are one down in your group all to keep someone who was trying to kill you alive. This is why you would never survive in this type of world. You and wofford are more concerned about due process. News flash: due process went out the window along with law and order.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

You're assuming that if you leave him on the fence that he dies. What if he doesn't though?

And we're not MORE concerned, but we are concerned when the opportunity presents itself, whereas you all have tossed it to the wind completely. If you don't hold onto what makes you human and different from the zombies when you can, why are you living?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

You're assuming that if you leave him on the fence that he dies. What if he doesn't though?

And we're not MORE concerned, but we are concerned when the opportunity presents itself, whereas you all have tossed it to the wind completely. If you don't hold onto what makes you human and different from the zombies when you can, why are you living?

Cheesus Crust.

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