The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Stopping watching because 'your favourite character got killed off' is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard. Yes it can be annoying when the best characters leave shows, but refusing to watch it anymore is just laughable.
Stopping watching because 'your favourite character got killed off' is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard. Yes it can be annoying when the best characters leave shows, but refusing to watch it anymore is just laughable.

Stopping watching because 'your favourite character got killed off' is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard. Yes it can be annoying when the best characters leave shows, but refusing to watch it anymore is just laughable.

If you read TWD Facebook page, there are a lot of fans (male and female) on the borderline with the show. Killing Daryl off just might lose some of them.

There's many reasons why people watch shows and many reasons why people give up on them. There are several shows that I no longer watch that I used to really like. I just didn't like the direction the show went and I lost interest. At this point, if Daryl would die, I have no idea how long I would watch the show simply being that I don't know the direction the show would take. I do know that there isn't enough interesting characters on the show that if they kill them off simply for shock value, the show will suck. It's tv. If you don't replace interesting characters with characters equally interesting, when you kill them off, you won't have much of a show.

You have to ask yourself why they developed a non-comic character like Daryl to begin with. And like I said, unless Reedus wants off the show, I don't see them killing him. They might pull a Glenn for the season finale and leave you thinking he's dead though.

My bet is that a very pregnant Maggie or Judith is the one that gets killed. There could be some real shock value to those deaths (for those putting value on it).
it's like how most of the x files fans kind of left after Mulder was taken out. people didn't care for the last two seasons
Game of Thrones kills main characters all the time and people still watch. Killing Daryl would be like the Red Wedding for the Walking Dead. In any case, Negan will be killing someone deemed previous as un-killable. Its going to a death that hurts at least - likely one of the few remaining Atlanta members.
Game of Thrones kills main characters all the time and people still watch. Killing Daryl would be like the Red Wedding for the Walking Dead. In any case, Negan will be killing someone deemed previous as un-killable. Its going to a death that hurts at least - likely one of the few remaining Atlanta members.
A lot of those characters are not around long enough for people to really get to like. Look at the outcry about John Snow though. Long term fan favorite, people pissed that he "died." Also, doesn't hurt that their cast is like 10x bigger... they can afford to lose some main characters once and a while.
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A lot of those characters are not around long enough for people to really get to like. Look at the outcry about John Snow though. Long term fan favorite, people pissed that he "died."

I wonder what stink there would be if they killed off Tyrion or Daenerys.

Anyway, no sense in arguing about it. It's beyond our control. They'll do what they feel is best for the show, or at times, what saves them money. How many times have we seen characters killed off or replaced due to contracts?
They are not fans... they are Daryl fans. Big difference.

I haven't watched GOT so I really haven't a clue as to how killing off main characters left and right would play out. I do think that Ween has a point though. I myself am not clinging onto Daryl like several others but some characters really do add to the story. I was really disappointed with a lot of the earlier characters eliminated off the show: Shane and Hershel, for an example. And I personally felt the group/characters in the earlier seasons had better chemistry.

Yeah it's a zombie apocalypse series but there's really so much of the zombies you can stomach before it gets old. It really is about the characters and the story. I can see how killing him off would be a turn off, that doesn't necessarily mean they're not fans of the show.
Stopping watching because 'your favourite character got killed off' is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard. Yes it can be annoying when the best characters leave shows, but refusing to watch it anymore is just laughable.

If you read TWD Facebook page, there are a lot of fans (male and female) on the borderline with the show. Killing Daryl off just might lose some of them.

There's many reasons why people watch shows and many reasons why people give up on them. There are several shows that I no longer watch that I used to really like. I just didn't like the direction the show went and I lost interest. At this point, if Daryl would die, I have no idea how long I would watch the show simply being that I don't know the direction the show would take. I do know that there isn't enough interesting characters on the show that if they kill them off simply for shock value, the show will suck. It's tv. If you don't replace interesting characters with characters equally interesting, when you kill them off, you won't have much of a show.

You have to ask yourself why they developed a non-comic character like Daryl to begin with. And like I said, unless Reedus wants off the show, I don't see them killing him. They might pull a Glenn for the season finale and leave you thinking he's dead though.

My bet is that a very pregnant Maggie or Judith is the one that gets killed. There could be some real shock value to those deaths (for those putting value on it).

it's like how most of the x files fans kind of left after Mulder was taken out. people didn't care for the last two seasons

Daryl's a great character.

Daryl or no Daryl, it has to be one of the fan favourites to bite the bullet and be killed off in order for Negan to be truly introduced as a great villain. The show might bottle it though and try another shock factor.
Game of Thrones kills main characters all the time and people still watch. Killing Daryl would be like the Red Wedding for the Walking Dead. In any case, Negan will be killing someone deemed previous as un-killable. Its going to a death that hurts at least - likely one of the few remaining Atlanta members.
Anyone but Daryl. :lol


They are not fans... they are Daryl fans. Big difference.
Yup. If you stop watching when Daryl dies... you aren't a fan.

I consider myself to be a "fan". I'm a member of two TWD forums and a TWD group.
I've read TWD compendium 1, and 2 and plan to read 3. I've been to 2 CC's and 1 WSC meeting TWD cast members at all 3. I'm not an TWD expert, but I am a fan, and I feel my loyalty to TWD is there. I just can't imagine the show being as good for *me* without Daryl Dixon.

A lot of those characters are not around long enough for people to really get to like. Look at the outcry about John Snow though. Long term fan favorite, people pissed that he "died."

With so many characters in GoT its hard to become invested in a fav...imo. GoT is so well written and executed that It doesnt matter who gets killed...I'll still watch to the end. For me, that's not the case with TWD. TWD has the Atlanta 7 ...Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Michonne, Maggie, Carol and Carl. 7 main characters. How can you not become attached to one if not more character(s) after a six year run? Having a favorite character for me makes this show watchable (especially with Gimple's questionable writing of late). How can one NOT be pissed off at a show that killed off their favorite character?! Besides kicking in my tv,
I *probably* would not continue to watch TWD regularly if Daryl was killed, and don't think I'm in the minority overall. I won't grab a pitchfork or torch and go running thru the streets of Berkeley screaming "Daryl's Life Matters" but I do think TWD's ratings overall will suffer in the long run if Daryl is "disbatched." :monkey3
TWD would most definately fall off my top 10 list.
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I consider myself to be a "fan". I'm a member of two TWD forums and a TWD group.
I've read TWD compendium 1, and 2 and plan to read 3. I've been to 2 CC's and 1 WSC meeting TWD cast members at all 3. I'm not an TWD expert, but I am a fan, and I feel my loyalty to TWD is there. I just can't imagine the show being as good for *me* without Daryl Dixon.


I *probably* would not continue to watch TWD regularly if Daryl was killed

That is not "loyalty." Plus you should really read the rest of the comics.....