The Wolverine

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Picked up the steelbook today :)





The colour was change from white to Silver from the pics to actual release. and the claws changed from black to silver.
Would've preferred it the way it was in the proto. However the '3D' was removed from tbelow the title and the spine which i much prefer.
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Picked up the steelbook today :)





The colour was change from white to Silver from the pics to actual release. and the claws changed from black to silver.
Would've preferred it the way it was in the proto. However the '3D' was removed from tbelow the title and the spine which i much prefer.

Nice! Congrats! :duff
The bear my friend, the bear.

It was the bear. :(

Finally, got to see this thing and really liked it. I don't think it had the memorable moments like Origins (ie. bursting out of the lab tank or the 'I'm gonna cut your ******* head off' line/scene with Victor), BUT it also didn't have any memorable cringe-worthy moments like Origins (ie. Deadpool-thing-monster.)

And there was a moment in this film where I finally said 'Man, I really enjoy these films so much.' Meaning, all of these X-Men/Wolverine films. They all have their flaws, but there's just so enjoyable, IMO. I really liked the end credits scene. I can finally see DOFP on the 'horizon!'
It was the bear. :(

Finally, got to see this thing and really liked it. I don't think it had the memorable moments like Origins (ie. bursting out of the lab tank or the 'I'm gonna cut your ******* head off' line/scene with Victor), BUT it also didn't have any memorable cringe-worthy moments like Origins (ie. Deadpool-thing-monster.)

And there was a moment in this film where I finally said 'Man, I really enjoy these films so much.' Meaning, all of these X-Men/Wolverine films. They all have their flaws, but there's just so enjoyable, IMO. I really liked the end credits scene. I can finally see DOFP on the 'horizon!'

:goodpost: :hi5:
The scene should have remained; the costume would have been a nice nod, but thats not Jackman Wolverine to me.

I think he should have opened the case, looked in snickered, said **** this, and closed the case and put it away.

Save that costume for a reboot in 20 years after Jackman retires after he films an Old Man Logan movie. :yess:
The scene should have remained; the costume would have been a nice nod, but thats not Jackman Wolverine to me.

I think he should have opened the case, looked in snickered, said **** this, and closed the case and put it away.

Save that costume for a reboot in 20 years after Jackman retires after he films an Old Man Logan movie. :yess:

Now, THAT would have been awesome. Give the comic book fans something to swoon over, without taking it 'there.' Jackman shouldn't wear the suit, IMO. He's fine the way he is. And that would be a perfect Jackman response. :rock :lol
Picked up the steelbook today :)





The colour was change from white to Silver from the pics to actual release. and the claws changed from black to silver.
Would've preferred it the way it was in the proto. However the '3D' was removed from tbelow the title and the spine which i much prefer.

I like the look of this the overseas steelbook or the us domestic version? Looks good...