Super Freak
Just plead insanity or blame your parents for not hugging you enough (or too much)
Is this the Con Air school of psychology?

Seriously, sick stuff and I feel for all of the victims.
Just plead insanity or blame your parents for not hugging you enough (or too much)
What puzzles me is less the unwarranted and unprovoked attack which is horrific but what really gets me is how the bus passengers were relatively calm just trying to keep this psycho on the'd expect people to flee and run for safety but they held him on....that is surprising.
Why didn't anyone do anything to try to stop the guy? I agree its great that locked him in the bus and made the bus undrivable, but why didn't anyone try to save the poor kid?
I think you guys need to realize a few things:
a) It's important to save those who can be saved. Everyone got off the bus, then three men went back to try to see what state the young man was in. It was at that point that they saw the attacker beheading him. There's nothing cowardly about that. You don't rush an attacker armed with a potentially deadly weapon on a whim, human instinct is to flee danger, not confront it.
b) The young man was being stabbed dozens of times in the throat, he wasn't going to make it even if someone was able to stop the attacker from decapitating him. A witness said that after five or six stabs, the victim made no more noise, which indicates that his windpipe had been punctured or severed. He would die of asphyxiation or drown in his own blood quite quickly.
c) The witnesses did the right thing in trapping the man inside the bus. This allowed the police to catch him rather effortlessly, again, a very brave gesture. They did everything in their power to keep him inside, even disabling the bus. Quick thinking on the bus driver's part.
d) Things like this have been going on since the dawn of time. The world isn't getting worse, there's just more people in it so these events will occur more often. Sad, but true.
Anyway, this story turns my stomach. I once saw a violent car wreck that ended gruesomely, but nothing like this. My thoughts go out with the victim Tim McLean, his family, and friends.
I think you guys need to realize a few things:
a) It's important to save those who can be saved. Everyone got off the bus, then three men went back to try to see what state the young man was in. It was at that point that they saw the attacker beheading him. There's nothing cowardly about that. You don't rush an attacker armed with a potentially deadly weapon on a whim, human instinct is to flee danger, not confront it.
They way I read the article the person sitting in front of the victim and attacker heard a scream and then everyone just left the poor guy to the attacker and got of the bus. They did not try to go back in for the guy they barricaded the door of the bus from the outside while holding some 'weapons'. Who knows once the first scream was heard if the people rushed the man the victim might have made it.
And no human instinct has two sides not just to flee danger, people will either
have a fight or flight responce to a situation, unfortunately for the victim everyone on that bus had a flight instinct and they all took off, I find that cowardly.
I don't know if we should judge those actions as cowardly until we've been in those situations. I grew up in a pretty rough neighborhood and I once saw someone getmaimed with a meat cleaver. Guess what I did? I RAN! And I was a tough kid. In those situations, instinct takes over and your first instinct is to get yourself out of danger.
Exactly. Most people would never rush a man with a weapon, not at least without planning what to do beforehand. There was no time for planning, the guy was shredding this kid to bits.
Don't just read one article, you'll never get the whole scoop. The attacker had stabbed the man several times in the throat before even a few people realized what was happening, the people at the front of the bus didn't know what was going on until the bus driver had pulled over and was getting everyone off. Once everyone was off the bus, a truck driver, a passenger, and the bus driver got back on to see what they could do. At that point, the attacker rushed at them and swiped the knife at them. They then blocked the door when he went back to the victim to prevent his escape. A job well done, in my opinion. They prevented anyone else from being injured or killed.