This is true guys I would never refer to a woman and her 6 year old as cowardly (not that Amir meant it that way) she was sitting right next to the animal. Consider the scene, its dark, most people are sleeping and then BAMMM! it happens and the poor kid is dead within seconds.
It turns out the killer is from my home town, this is even more disturbing than ever before. Edmonton's economy is booming right now because of the oil sands therefore flooding our city with outsiders, the industry also caters to massive illegal drug use. I'm not saying that this monster is connected with the industry but thought it was relevant to the current status here in Edmonton.
Therapists say that he was definetly on some very bad drugs that caused him to lash out. Its getting very violent out in the streets, a man was murdered just a block away from our home the morning me and my wife returned from Orlando.
This whole story just keeps playing out over and over again in my head, I can't get it out!