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I'd of love them to have more time to hype up an Evolution triple threat match, all three fighting for who is the better man in the end, something could of been used.

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I have a hard time seeing HHH win the match with Bryan. If that happened, then the main event wouldn't be any better than it was prior to Bryan getting the opportunity for the shot. The only reason they added that option is so the fans don't boo the **** out of Orton and Batista the whole time. I figure Bryan to at least get there, and really, that's what scores of fans are going to tune in to see. . .BUT, I can imagine him losing the title match, to Batista. Reason being that otherwise, Batista is totally done after WM. The fans turned on him, and if he can't win at WM, then I don't think he's going to be treated as a legitimate threat for the title. So, he just becomes another in a long series of nobodies the WWE can't get the fans to really care about. They only cared enough to hate him after Rumble because he took Bryan's spot. But if he wins the title, then the fans have a new reason to hate him. So, he remains relevant, and they can try to string Bryan along awhile longer. The only real drawback there is that I think the fans can only take so much. Eventually Bryan is gonna have to win, and hold onto the title for awhile. He's the only legit face contender for the title right now apart from Cena, who is totally divisive. Maybe Reigns is the next guy, but he's got a ways to go, and Punk is gone, so Bryan has to be given that opportunity.

By the way, I'm about 70% sure I'm going to be at Wrestlemania this year to see it all first hand :rock
No more milking the whole D Bry/Triple H storyline, please. It's been going on since Summerslam. It's starting to drag. Personally, I'm done with seeing him get screwed out of his championships at every other PPV.

Wrestlemania needs to end with Bryan holding the titles and an arena that chants "Yes!". No reason Batista couldn't fued with Bryan after WM. Hell, Batista could blame Triple H for costing him the win by adding opponents to HIS title match. Involve Orton's rematch, have Flair join Bryan by saying what Triple H did to him was unfair and bam. Evolution fued.
I think your thinking is the most likely scenario. But if that happens I really think Batista's career is dead as a doorknob. He can feud with Bryan, but he wouldn't feel like a legitimate threat, and the audience wouldn't care all that much. Frankly, Orton's also a problem from that POV. He doesn't feel like he should have any chance of beating Bryan based on how he has been booked. He gets pinned constantly, and has to cheat to win any reasonably difficult match. But they need to establish a HHH/Lesnar type heel who can provide that threat that Bryan needs to overcome. Not just for the sake of setting up future champs, but for the purpose of making Bryan seem legit for overcoming them.
No way HHH makes it past Bryan. Zero chance of that happening. ZERO.

kara is right about Boo-tista possibly going over for the championship, though my money is on Bryan walking away champ, then a long program with Boo-tista.

I see Bryan pinning Orton and Boo-tista saying he never lost the match, Orton did, therefore he is "relevant" since he wasn't pinned and he doesn't loose any credibility as a threat. Maybe the match ends with Orton loosing clean in the middle and possibly Boo-tista outside the ring, or even Boo-tista indirectly aiding Bryan in the win.
Wait if Bryan does win couldn't Orton, H and Dave join forces again?

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They could, but rather not. I think Batista going against Triple H is way more logical.

And let's be fair here, Batista won't be able to keep a match with D Bry going if he keeps getting gassed out after half a femtosecond.
I don't think HHH is gonna be as anti Bryan after 'mania. He alluded to his frustration with Orton and Dave, possibly HHH could have a sum-what face turn Monday after 'mania by endorsing Bryan. If not out right supporting him, at least putting him over that he went out and against all odds earned the title, something Orton hasn't been able to do and something Dave didn't do.

Of course this all hinges on Bryan going home with the title, which I think he will.

Only time will tell. Just two more weeks :panic:

I'm more concerned about the network crashing 'mania day though.
I'm not a fan of Bryan so I'll be cheering for either Dave or Orton as I've been a fan off them since Evolution and a fan of Triple H since I first got into wrestling, best heel ever IMO.

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WWE needs to sign Prince Devitt. He'd be amazing with Bryan.

I'd love to see it. There were some rumors floating about it a few months ago, but he's happy with New Japan. I'd like to see WWE have a working relationship with NJPW like WCW had, but I doubt there would be interest on WWE's side.
I'd love to see it. There were some rumors floating about it a few months ago, but he's happy with New Japan. I'd like to see WWE have a working relationship with NJPW like WCW had, but I doubt there would be interest on WWE's side.

I was disappointed when it seemed to be just that - rumors. Though he said he'd love to get an offer from the 'E, he's doing really good in New Japan. But I fully agree that WWE needs to have an interpromotional fued with NJPW at some point, especially with the talent from NXT. They are perfect for something like that. I loved the times where companies like WCW and TNA go against them at Wrestle Kingdom II and V and of course Starrcade 1992.
Hey if you need a ticket or a better seat check out my F/S Thread. Got one for Row 10 comes with Wrestlemania 30 Commerative Chair.

I have a hard time seeing HHH win the match with Bryan. If that happened, then the main event wouldn't be any better than it was prior to Bryan getting the opportunity for the shot. The only reason they added that option is so the fans don't boo the **** out of Orton and Batista the whole time. I figure Bryan to at least get there, and really, that's what scores of fans are going to tune in to see. . .BUT, I can imagine him losing the title match, to Batista. Reason being that otherwise, Batista is totally done after WM. The fans turned on him, and if he can't win at WM, then I don't think he's going to be treated as a legitimate threat for the title. So, he just becomes another in a long series of nobodies the WWE can't get the fans to really care about. They only cared enough to hate him after Rumble because he took Bryan's spot. But if he wins the title, then the fans have a new reason to hate him. So, he remains relevant, and they can try to string Bryan along awhile longer. The only real drawback there is that I think the fans can only take so much. Eventually Bryan is gonna have to win, and hold onto the title for awhile. He's the only legit face contender for the title right now apart from Cena, who is totally divisive. Maybe Reigns is the next guy, but he's got a ways to go, and Punk is gone, so Bryan has to be given that opportunity.

By the way, I'm about 70% sure I'm going to be at Wrestlemania this year to see it all first hand :rock
There are lots of guys out there Bryan can have great matches with, and has had great matches with before. But WWE rarely pushes anyone based on wrestling ability alone. Recall in the early-mid 2000s, when they had a really impressive list of great cruiserweight wrestlers--Tajiri, Kidman, Jamie Noble, Kendrick, Paul London, Juventud, Psychosis, even Ultimo Dragon was briefly brought in. But they were all stuck in the mid-card or worse, and ultimately McMahon lost all interest in those guys (as usual) and they faded away one by one.

Hey if you need a ticket or a better seat check out my F/S Thread. Got one for Row 10 comes with Wrestlemania 30 Commerative Chair.
Thanks but if I go, I'll have spots in a suite. Tickets aren't the potential problem for me, it's making sure there is a babysitter.
No more milking the whole D Bry/Triple H storyline, please. It's been going on since Summerslam. It's starting to drag. Personally, I'm done with seeing him get screwed out of his championships at every other PPV.

Wrestlemania needs to end with Bryan holding the titles and an arena that chants "Yes!". No reason Batista couldn't fued with Bryan after WM. Hell, Batista could blame Triple H for costing him the win by adding opponents to HIS title match. Involve Orton's rematch, have Flair join Bryan by saying what Triple H did to him was unfair and bam. Evolution fued.

I agree. WWE has milked the storyline long enough; it's getting old and stale. Bryan should win the belt while he's still red hot, and then move on to another storyline that's fresh and new.
I say the best thing for WWE right now is Bryan winning the title and Cena turning heal. That would also be the best thing for Cenas career. He's getting old and being nothing more than a whoop up boy to others. Turning him heal will catapult him to another level. People are waiting on it. Then have a feud with Bryan. That would be a good twist.
I'd love if Cena done a "realistic" turn, like have him turn in the fans, talk about how he's there all the time etc and people still boo him

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A Cena heel turn has seemed like the most logical move in the world for about, what, 7 years now? :lol I would love to see it happen, but now might not be the best time IMO because creative has been unable or unwilling to put any other face into a top spot. Bryan and Cena are the only guys now that Punk left. Until Roman Reigns, or Cesaro, or someone else can somehow get that spot, it might be best for the purpose of dramatic storytelling that there is another major face available.

WWE Network had an update on the PS3, and now when you leave a show and come back, you restart where you left off. That's helpful.
Best thing to do is have DB win title and hold it until Summerslam.

If they had him keep the belt in the first place instead of all this nonsense then Batista might have got over as a face in the first place.