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With too much free time on my hands I've started watching WWE 2012 in order(Raws, Smackdowns, PPVs). Back then I was at best an infrequent viewer so quite a bit of this is new to me. Here are highlights from January of that month.

-The burial of Zack Ryder. Week after week Ryder was the victim of Kane in his attempt to make John Cena "embrace hate". Ryder started the month getting big pops as the US champ to ending it without his belt, heatless, and in a wheelchair.

-Brodus Clay debuted the "Funkasaurus" gimmick. Strong push to begin here with Clay going over a who's who of mid-carders. I enjoyed the dance contest he had with Vicki Guerrero only because it lead to William Regal joining in and busting a move.

-Santino Marella was ridiculously over for a comedy act. Say what you will about the quality of his matches, the guy carved out a place for himself and turned it into a pretty long run.

-Hornswoggle. Speaking of people that had carved out a place, I couldn't believe how much he was used. Not only used, but put over other talent.

-This was during the Raw Supershow era with talent from both shows appearing on Mondays. I liked that when it came to SmackDown the same was not true. SD was almost like it existed in it's own little world.

-Daniel Bryan was awesome as the chicken**** heel champion. He defended the title in quite a few matches and found fun underhanded ways to walk away with the belt every time. The "yes" taunt was in its infancy here too, but the crowd wasn't exactly into it yet.

-Cody Rhodes was running with the IC title. He's pretty much as I remember him as an okay hand in the ring, but bland in the charisma department.

-Sheamus won the Royal Rumble to mostly crickets. All 3 announcers participated in the Rumble wasting 3 spots that could have gone to actual talents. I could have lived without Michael Cole proclaiming he was going to ME WrestleMania.

-WWE Champion CM Punk spent most of the month feuding with evil GM of the day John Laurinaitis. The evil figurehead was well past played out by 2012, it's amazing they still run with it in 2016.

-Match of the month - CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan -Raw 1/30 - The only negative is the lack of a definitive finish.
I fondly remember that Raw match, and how Punk was using the "best in the world" expression, with more hardcore fans knowing that Bryan originated it. WWE really screwed the pooch not putting those two into a long-running feud. We only got to see them in a smattering of matches.

Bryan's heel champion run is what convinced me that he had what it took to be the man in the WWE.
Mr. Green is weary of these athletes. It is sad that she pass away so early but am pretty sure most use drugs or performance enhancers way too much. How the heck she work as an English teacher in Japan?
Shocked but not surprised about Chyna, we can suspect the cause of death and be critical of her life choices once she left the WWE but she was still a tortured soul. Unlike Piper, Warrior and other legendary wrestlers death has come as way for her to find peace with herself.
Payback was lame as expected. AJ carried the match with reigns, zayne v Owens was the highlight and a scary moment for Enzo amore. Hope he isn't too seriously injured. I really wanted to see balor, gallows and Anderson form their own version of wwe bullet club and lay out styles. That gives us a quality heel stable while maintaining styles as a face and reigns as whatever they seem to be doing with that dud. Come on WWE let's stop playing things so safe on the main shows
Payback was lame as expected. AJ carried the match with reigns, zayne v Owens was the highlight and a scary moment for Enzo amore. Hope he isn't too seriously injured. I really wanted to see balor, gallows and Anderson form their own version of wwe bullet club and lay out styles. That gives us a quality heel stable while maintaining styles as a face and reigns as whatever they seem to be doing with that dud. Come on WWE let's stop playing things so safe on the main shows

He's out of the hospital and doing much better. I don't know if his foot got caught on the side apron in addition to him being too close to the ropes for the slide, but yes, scary moment, his eyes were opened with a dazed look as he lay there.
I was pretty worried about Enzo. He was clearly concussed (most of my work is TBI/sport concussion) but I was more concerned about the coup contrecoup injury potential on his brain and spinal cord. Glad to hear he is doing well. He is defiantly a high point of the roster right now and hope he makes a quick recovery.
Enzo Amore situation was very scary. Payback was good from an actual in-ring aspect, but as usual, NOTHING happened story wise. Amazing how Reigns can suddenly look decent when working with a world class AJ Styles.
Enzo Amore situation was very scary. Payback was good from an actual in-ring aspect, but as usual, NOTHING happened story wise. Amazing how Reigns can suddenly look decent when working with a world class AJ Styles.
The best guys can do that--Ric Flair, Steamboat, Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Daniel Bryan--they could wrestle a mop and people would pay to see it.
The annual WWE Future Endeavor axe has fallen today. Say goodbye to...

Damien Sandow - How dare he try to get over without WWE permission. I liked what he and Axel had going before the Hogan racism stuff blew up their shtick.
Santino Marella - Honestly thought he wasn't under contract.
Cameron - The question is what's more iconic, telling the ref to count when trying to pin someone belly down or naming Alicia Fox/Melina your favorite match?
El Torito - Lucha Underground bound I bet
Hornswoggle - Lasted much longer than I thought he would
Zeb Colter - Enjoy retirement Dutch
Alex Riley - The bitter shoot interview will be good for a laugh. We still get to see him get beat up by Nakamura on next week's NXT
Wade Barrett - If his healthy week of the month lines up with TNA's taping schedule he could do okay for himself there
Loved sandow as the miz stunt double. Great gimmick wish it never ended. Barrier was never utilized properly.
Yeah, one among hundreds of situations where WWE "creative" screwed the pooch, and didn't capitalize on a groundswell of public support for something that McMahon and his cronies didn't come up with on their own. Really a microcosm of WWE's problems across the board over the last 5-10 years.