With too much free time on my hands I've started watching WWE 2012 in order(Raws, Smackdowns, PPVs). Back then I was at best an infrequent viewer so quite a bit of this is new to me. Here are highlights from January of that month.
-The burial of Zack Ryder. Week after week Ryder was the victim of Kane in his attempt to make John Cena "embrace hate". Ryder started the month getting big pops as the US champ to ending it without his belt, heatless, and in a wheelchair.
-Brodus Clay debuted the "Funkasaurus" gimmick. Strong push to begin here with Clay going over a who's who of mid-carders. I enjoyed the dance contest he had with Vicki Guerrero only because it lead to William Regal joining in and busting a move.
-Santino Marella was ridiculously over for a comedy act. Say what you will about the quality of his matches, the guy carved out a place for himself and turned it into a pretty long run.
-Hornswoggle. Speaking of people that had carved out a place, I couldn't believe how much he was used. Not only used, but put over other talent.
-This was during the Raw Supershow era with talent from both shows appearing on Mondays. I liked that when it came to SmackDown the same was not true. SD was almost like it existed in it's own little world.
-Daniel Bryan was awesome as the chicken**** heel champion. He defended the title in quite a few matches and found fun underhanded ways to walk away with the belt every time. The "yes" taunt was in its infancy here too, but the crowd wasn't exactly into it yet.
-Cody Rhodes was running with the IC title. He's pretty much as I remember him as an okay hand in the ring, but bland in the charisma department.
-Sheamus won the Royal Rumble to mostly crickets. All 3 announcers participated in the Rumble wasting 3 spots that could have gone to actual talents. I could have lived without Michael Cole proclaiming he was going to ME WrestleMania.
-WWE Champion CM Punk spent most of the month feuding with evil GM of the day John Laurinaitis. The evil figurehead was well past played out by 2012, it's amazing they still run with it in 2016.
-Match of the month - CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan -Raw 1/30 - The only negative is the lack of a definitive finish.