Super Freak
You almost feel bad for the main roster. There's no way Mania is topping this show. If I absolutely had to quibble with something I would have like to have seen Joe go over.
You almost feel bad for the main roster. There's no way Mania is topping this show. If I absolutely had to quibble with something I would have like to have seen Joe go over.
Why he is so popular? Just curious.
Oh, Nakamura. I'm not familiar with him.Who are you asking about?
Oh, Nakamura. I'm not familiar with him.
He's the self proclaimed king of strong style. He's a flamboyant, stiff, aggressive, athletic worker that's just great to watch. Try to look up his match with AJ Styles on youtube. I believe it's from NJPW earlier this year. Both those guys are amazing.
Cool, I'll give it a look. What does strong style mean? He's not the same Japanese wrestler they signed several months ago last year is he? That Hulk Hogan introduced?
Anyone up for some predictions?
Cool, I'll give it a look. What does strong style mean? He's not the same Japanese wrestler they signed several months ago last year is he? That Hulk Hogan introduced?
A solid show overall but yeah. Nobody I was rooting for won but hey, fun show overall. Ridiculous spot by Shane mcmahon. Hope the guy isn't seriously hurt. Watching becky lynch and styles get screwed out of wins made me flip my ****.
Ladder match was great, but it should have been Owens or Zayn, they are a couple of years late to push Ryder.
I bought Zayn winning for a second there. I agree the Ryder push is about 5 years late. However, I'm happy for the guy. I've actually been watching the C-Shows lately and he's a better worker today then he was back in '11 when he got his push.
The rest of the show just had way too many wrong people going over. Jericho is going on another sabbatical so beating AJ on the way out helps nothing.
Ambrose could have gotten a little more offense in on Brock or even the win which could have vaulted him higher.
What was the point of bringing Shane in to just lose? The jump from the top of the cell was just unnecessary too.
The Wyatts have been buried so deep it's comical.