The X-Files Re-Opened: New Seasons From FOX (Season 11 Coming Soon)

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Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I am beyond excited over this news for 3 reasons.

1. Season 10's finale was such a huge cliffhanger, I would HATE to never see where that all goes.
2. I love the adventures of Mulder and Scully so much I never want them to end.
3. The plot of Season 10 has the conspiracy hitting on such a global scale, it'll be intriguing to see where the story goes beyond just resolving the ship hovering over them on the bridge.

Interestingly enough, I just received my Loot Crate yesterday with X-Files pencils, and then this news hits, it was a great day for X-Files.
I kinda wish they would have...unless Frank Spotnitz has come back to help reign in Chris Carter like he used to during the show's heyday. If he's not coming back, I definitely don't need more bizarre and incoherent story, continuity errors, irritating new characters, and shockingly bad dialogue.
I hope the next episode continues where they left of and not some monster of the week unrelated episode.
I hope the next episode continues where they left of and not some monster of the week unrelated episode.

Along those lines, I hope they don't do another bookend series with introducing a whole bunch of issues it takes 10 weeks to see develop further.

I'm very curious how this will play out, going back to monster of the week type episodes worked the last time, but now, you really have to tie up the events that ended season 10 before you can introduce 1 off stories.

Hopefully CSM and Skinner come back too, wonder if they'll try to write Reyes into it more post-servitude to CSM.
I like her and Dogget, would love to see him back, but maybe his Scorpion contract won't allow it.

I also enjoyed Einstein and Miller from Season 10, almost new generation Mulder and Scully while also being unique.
Wonder how drawn out the conclusion to season 10 will be, might there be numerous episodes around finding William, though from the dialogue in the finale, Mulder won't last too long so they'll have to find him quick.

I'm not sure how, but I'm hoping for another Gunmen cameo, they were always a favorite part of the show for me. All for cameos, a dream sequence to bring back Krycek even or X or Deep Throat, there were some really cool recurring characters on the show.
Yeah, unfortunately I feel like everyone was thinking Season 9 would be the end of everything so they came up with a story where Mulder would have lost all but Scully and leave him there. Even the movie worked fine after, but now to go back to tv episodes, there is a void not having those people, hell, they kept the Gunmen even after Mulder was out of the story.
They are alive in the x files comics (faked deaths) and work for the gov, but Carter said nothing in the comics would ever be canon.

I do wish they came back. Ill buy the fake deaths.