Thief 1&2: master-thief Garrett 1/6 scale custom figure

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The original Thief trilogy was created by Looking Glass Studios & Ion Storm from 1998 to 2004 year. Series contains: Thief: The Dark Project, Thief Gold (T:TDP re-release with 3 new levels and some fixes), Thief 2: The Metal Age & Thief: Deadly Shadows. Some remarkable developers worked on series: Eric Brosius, Randy Smith, Ken Levine, Doug Church, Warren Spector, Daniel Thron & others. Legends!

Thief – is a medieval thief simulator played from the first person view. One of the first true stealth actions and immersive sims. This series defined the whole ganre and bear a tangible influence on the gaming industry.

An events of Thief happens in the City, the huge feudal megalopolis stacked in between dark ages and Renaissance. The primitive steam technologies and electrification neighboring here with the dark magic and cruel eldritch entities. Thou the City is a secular place, the main religion here is the cult of the Hammer.

Hammerites worship the Builder, the one God who can build a wall and crash an enemy by his worthy hammer. Hammerites rejects the way of magic and devote their lives to science and technologies.

There are dark and ominous forests around the City, unspeakable creatures lives there. Also as pagans, people who chose to serve the Trickster, an eldritch god of chaos and nature who’d like to bury the City to the ground.

Garrett was a orphan. Making little crime here and there just to live. Once the Keeper caught him. Keepers watches for the Balance in the City. They gave Garrett their skills, their knowledge. But Garrett selfishly leaved the order to live for his own.

Garrett was played by the voice actor Steven Russell[/I]). His a stand alone thief, master in his craftsmanship. His not a killer thou, no dirty things. Garrett likes to get job done. And the harder the job – the higher his interest to get into action…

The Thief trilogy plays well even today. The tense noir atmosphere and spectacular game-, level-, art- and sound- designs makes those games unique and timeless. It’s one of my 3 all-time-favorite games series (others are Silent Hill and Legacy of Kain) and since I’m a collector, sure I’d like to get a figure on my shelf. But there was none.

So we made it.

Master-thief Garrett
1/6 scale custom figure

by V-Raptor, Hauptmann HH, Aqualion13 & Husky

It took three years to complete this project. There are two sets total, one owned by me and other by my hobby- colleague named Burnsider. It was done by me (V-Raptor), Hauptmann HH, Aqualion13 & Husky Doniy. It was one hell of a ride and took every skills we have.

So let’s start from the accessories:

We’d like to make a lot of accessories, but they all should be placed on the figure. So we did not every gadget from the game, but some. With magnetic holdings and parts to fix in on Garretts’ belt. We have:
1) flash bomb
2) gas mine
3) blackjack
4) Constantine’s sword
5) middle bow
6) moss arrow
7) water arrow
8) rope arrow (the design from T2014)
9) noise maker arrow (the design from TDS)
10) few broadhead arrows
11) lockpicks
12) the map of the City
13) quiver
14) bag for loot
15) the leather belt with metal bucket and sheath

We tried to hold everything close to first games by the Looking Glass Studios. They are the most canonical and beloved.

The wooden bow can actually shoot.

Lockpicks and a bag for loot are the necessary things for thief.

The lockpicks set is close to cutscenes from the game. Every item made of metal and wood.

So what we have in the bag? A huge ruby, emerald, diamond, fancy ring, few golden plates, small vine goblet, ceremonial skull and a holy hammerites book.

The book can be opened. An icon and a prayer inside:

I am a Wallbuilder.
Let my walls endure,
from season to season,
year to year,
and age to age.
Let my walls stand,
while families toil,
armies march,
and empires fall.
I am a Wallbuilder,
and my walls will stand
always as a shield
against evil.
This I pray, that will
the Master Builder grant.

Garrett has two canvas scrolls. One is the map of the City. The other is a stolen holy picture from the first game. It presents the Builder banishing the Trickster from the City.

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Some elemental talismans also were made as a bonus accessories.

1/6 scale or 12" action figure format take roots from 1964. Hasbro company developed dolls for boys: the new toys were named G.I.Joe and it was a series of Barbie-like dolls in a military theme. Hasbro called it an "action figures" to avoid "girlish" "doll" word. Years later this format became a staple in the world of collectibles. 1/6 scale is big enough to give a room for high details level, but also quite compact to allow to collect many items indoor. You can pose your action figure any way you want, you can create any scene with one or few. This way 1/6 scale became one of the most beloved formats for many collectors worldwide.

So Garrett is 1/6 scale. His height is 31cm.
The figure is very movable and can do a lot of good poses.

Blackjack used for non-lethal attacks. Garrett is a thief, not a murderer. Blackjack made of wood, leather and metal.

Thou the sword is not an option in combat with people, it’s perfect to fight pagan beasts and underground horrors. Sword made of stainless still and leather.

Flash bombs allows Garrett to escape from the dire situation and also can damage the undeads.

Multifunctional bow is beloved Garretts’ tool.

You can see a Keepers’ glyph on his right arm.

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Garretts’ head based on the Thief 2: The Metal Age cover. It was a hard task. The original character is very cartoony, with big anime eyes. We tried to make the portrait more realistic, but still be close to the origins.

Garrett lost his eye during the events of the first game. And hammerites made him a new artificial one.

In Thief: Deadly Shadows developers added a green glow to his eye, like he is some kind of Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell. We also did. It can easily be turned off by just not plugging the cable into 3v port.

It looks like we did enough. But there’s never enough if you love something!
So we did a giant diorama to add some City’s architecture mood to the figure.

The base is 17,5cm wide & 19,5cm deep.
The roof module is 25cm height.
The arc module is 28cm height.
Total height without a figure is 53cm and 58cm with Garrett displayed on top.

Diorama contains two parts. You can display it full tall or just as a fragment of the rooftop.

You can turn off the whole light-up or only a glyph. Everything works from the 12v DC net.

Some information about creators on the back and a real autographs of every one including myself. For a good memory!

The whole shapes made a little clumsy and angular intendedly. We did our best to represent the primitive graphics first two games have. Also colors are very close to the original.

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If you have a Telegram messenger , you can see the light up in dynamics in this short movie:

And here is a final view with the light-up’s on.

Hammers are represented by the arc-window with a religion vitrage.

Pagans are represented by the wine with a Tricksters’ flower on it.

The magic Keepers’ glyph shines on the wall. Only Keepers can see it, so we can turn it off and it will disappear. Also there's a rope arrow here. This way Garrett got up there. This guy is above them all.

– The City Looks Almost Bearable From Up Here...

So I’d like to thank everybody who made the Thief games and everybody who made this figure real. This is non-commercial project made only in two pieces to write a love letter to the Thief series. This dream-project of mine is complete and this is how I display it:


Thanks for watching, taffers!
Take care your Bonehoards and do not read too much glyphs.
I throw the flash bomb and disappear in the night…
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Great figure and accessories.

This is a blast from the past. The games were very atmospheric and all the sneaking around and tactics were fun.
Holy moly, this is fantastic! I'm definitely a Thief superfan, so I really appreciate seeing this. :) The attention to detail is outstanding!
When I finished the figure, I've played the whole Thief Gold from start to end on Expert. It ran perfectly on my new PC in ultra HD on 21:9. I've used TFix made by fans and some light graphics mode added into this cumulative patch. And I should say: this game plays GREAT now. It's heavily based on the explorations and narrative, so other dated mechanics doesn't bother you. Can't recommend enough! Must-play.
The games were very atmospheric and all the sneaking around and tactics were fun.

Thanks, Comrades! Glad you liked it. ^_^
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Hello, fellow-Freaks!

I made an archive with all the work in progress, so you can see the inside of this project.
Just download this ZIP file (click a big blue button):
^^^ WIP's ARE HERE ^^^

Hope you'll enjoy it.
Thank you for following this thread.
hey, would you make another one for me (i would pay of course)
hey, would you make another one for me (i would pay of course)
Hello, Comrade!
I'm afraid it's impossible. We reached maximum tiredness on this project, 4 people were building it for 2 years. And there is no chance we assemble together again just to copy this.
I can do only two things:
1) See the WIP archive below. Maybe it will be useful to get another artist for this commission. There is an outfit tips too.
2) I can give you a contact of a sculptor. He created, printed and painted this head.
That's it! Good luck, bro!

Thank you!! This is such an amazing work!
Oh, you very-very welcome!
I'm kinda lost in work and there is no free time for Thief projects, but I brought I little change to the cathedral diorama.
I noticed that Garretts' foot stands pretty loose, so I added a gargoyle head under it.
It gives some gothic look to the diorama and solves this "flying foot" problem.


1/6 scale custom figure
by V-Raptor

The figure based on both T1 and T2 designs.
I was not able to chose one, plus pants are essentially to hide joints.

This figure is very durable and movable.

I hide joints on his hands with a leather bandages.

Head sculpted on a 3D-printed skull.
Real hair used.

