She's hurt people with those teeth!
She is on there because of the bewbs.
Not only do I think there're people who'd be more than happy to take that risk, but there's more than just her mouth.
She would be prettier if she toned down the red lipstick and, though I can't be sure, from the lines on her top lip, she's plumping them up. "She's lost her cupid's bow".
me, living a few steps away from the pub.
...a block away from the stripjoint.
...and a possibility that my neighbor downstairs is running a brothel.
This applies to just about everyone who lives in Canberra.
Getting a jury summons. If I sit around for 3 days and don't even get my number called - my indifference will switch to hate. If I finally get on a jury...I may switch to love. I always wanted to be on a jury at least once to see what it is really like.