Things I Feel Indifferent About

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i wont post the part 2 of that episode.
pedobear alerts will go haywire and shat. :monkey1

They treat their women like ____ and their little girls dress like hookers. I've watched the series and now there's one about US gypsies that is just as bad.

They're just squatters and thieves.
careful, you dont want to be a white woman from town. :lol

or drag me to hell babe. :lol

:lol I want to be educated past the age of 12 and not live my life in a trailer parked illegally someplace while my husband is off ripping off people. Oops......I mean busy being a "salesman."
The appeal of an exposed breast in print diminished greatly upon the advent of the interwebz, but once the ****ie gif was unleashed it was all but extinguished.

Bood gif or fail.

Do people even look at magazines anymore :dunno
I don't know how print media will exist. Anything they offer from new articles to Miley's bewb are already on the internets instantly for free.
I guess its for old farts to dumb or stubborn to use the internetz. :dunno

Or for people in Maine.
I was mentioned deleting certain very old threads but I was blasted for it, so we have to suffer I'm afraid.