Super Freak
You the best BuffyGirl! We tight.
Quit stealing my gif, you unoriginal bastard!
Yea I think that video came after, it's also the last scene in the movie but a classic
Those vids always makes myself laugh.
Just found out that my insurance is like 50% less on payment for 6 months coverage than I thought, WHOO HOO EXTRA $$$$$ CHA-CHING!!!!
Oh, yea I'm talking about the movie and me, not necessarily ^^^ on that vid as well.
Ryan is Reynolds is so dreamy. But not as dreamy as my lobster.
Somehow I knew you would be disgusted by that.
It was so good it didn't even need butter.
i just had a kilo of prawn when we stopped over the prawn farm last weekend.
Yeah, I don't know why either. After Alaska, no more big shell fish for me.
Overexposed? I only have it once or twice every summer.
Went up there with my Grandfather for the summer after my freshmen year of HS for two weeks of what I call "survival training." We lived off the land, etc, and stayed at a cabin on an island (which isn't really an island when the tide's out). Awesome experience, but after bashing king crab over slate night after night, for some reason, the appetite for shellfish for the most part, is completely gone.
i just had a kilo of prawn when we stopped over the prawn farm last weekend.