You think she has a ____?
Your type
Though I bet the Palm sisters don't even tolerate his BS and go numb on him.
And women fall for a 41 year old who is nothing but a military poser who has 35,000 posts on a toy forum. And a guy who actaully got banned from a toy forum . How do you even do that?
I don't model military clothing. Did you maybe mean poseur?
But any day of the weak I'll take running the most popular English language airsoft magazine, i.e. my own successful business, to slaving around town in a tow truck without a college degree.
I caught that when l was adding more. You must be very busy with that company, how do you find the time to be on this site pretty much all day every day?
I love this:
I love this:
I love this:
Every time I see this guy it reminds me of Spaceballs.