Boba Ben
Super Freak
what are tehy? they are all over my books and stuff? wtf are these things?
Silverfish. A type of insect. They like to eat your books.
what are tehy? they are all over my books and stuff? wtf are these things?
You love put them in da Loooooove thread!
I looooove that tomorrow is my last day of work for awhile. Won't like the lack of money, but I'm prepared for that. Last night I have to go to bed early as well.
Nighties all!
Don't you guys have the option to take your salaries over 12 months?
Don't you guys have the option to take your salaries over 12 months?
Teachers do, not sure about aids though.
BBQ and grilling and I'll be doing a lot of that this weekend. For some reason being behind the grill relaxes me. For the ribs I'll put on some bbq rub and then set it up for indirect and will be using a mixture of wood chunks and some charcoal and I'll slow cook those ribs very very slowly until it is nice and tender. I'll also soak some wood chips in apple cider for 30 minutes and sprinkle those over the charcoal and wood which will give the ribs a nice flavor. Just a few of the things I'll be making.
I bought a grill when I bought my house 3 years ago and I still haven't even used it once! Maybe this summer will be the one where I break it out.
I bought a grill when I bought my house 3 years ago and I still haven't even used it once! Maybe this summer will be the one where I break it out.
Mine's still in the box!!!!
Men! Neither of my brothers will help me put it together.
It didn't come with instructions?
Of course it did, but I don't have any tools, since they took my dad's and I'm not real handy when it comes to things like that. It's a long story.
I would put it up for you, but you live in BFE.