Phil Sierra
Super Freak
Finally having the guts to tell my husband of plus 19 years that if he doesn't cut back on his drinking, I am not going to stick around.2013 might get very interesting.
Good for you girl! You have to say it!
My girlfriend told her husband this years ago because he was coming home drunk almost every night at 2 in the am and he had to be up for work at 6. When he drove into the wrong driveway and damaged the neighbor's car, she had enough. She told him he had to stop or she was gone. They are still together and doing great and he no longer drinks.
My friend in the military got addicted to pain killers for several years. Eventually his pain stopped from his injuries, but unfortunately he still had to take the pain meds to stop these horrible withdrawals and to feel "normal". He was no longer the same person that he use to be and never liked to socialize or talk to anyone and pretty much kept himself locked up. But after his family confronted him, he decided to quit cold turkey 3 weeks ago, and man did he go through hell. Similar to a movie called "Ray" about the life of Ray Charles where in the end he quits heroin cold turkey and suffers horribly. But in the end my friend stuck it out and the withdrawals wore off. Now he feels better than ever and his energy and spirit is through the roof. It's almost like seeing an old friend again that I haven't seen in several years.