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The new Hot Toys smell when I open a new box and every time open my curio cabinet. :)
I love brats and beer!
:drool :drool :drool

Brats and Packers on the same page?

Definitely a Wisconsin vibe goin' on here...
Its funny you should mention that,my time in Wisconsin is what turned me on to brats. Now I live in Alabama and when I went to get buns for the brats I grilled I asked the woman in the bakery if they had any bratwurst buns and her reply was "I've never heard of those". :slap Seriously I've been in over 30 states and every bakery carriers brat buns except the bakeries in Alabama. So I had to go with freakin over sized sub rolls instead. :gah:
When our production lines break down and the production line workers play the Mission Impossible theme when they call maintenance over to fix it.
It is always nice to see a man with talent collapse into a shell of himself, isn't it?

Although clearly this was what he was all along, because as you yourself know, it was there to be seen by anyone honest and clear minded enough to simply look past his better qualities to the lesser ones beneath.

If only we all had your nose for the manure in the flower bed. Roll in it my friend. You've certainly earned it. :duff
devil, with respect, it doesn't take a genius to see a liar and a freeloader for what they were. i'm not reveling in the fall of someone, but rather the fact that maybe people like yourself may finally realize that sticking up for what is right is more important than sticking up for friends.

I don't know if you're capable of seeing that however as you seem to stick up for whta I consider the wrong type of people quite often.

Me saying "I told you so" isn't the source of everyone's grief. Nor was me telling someone who owed thousands of dollars to people on this forum to get a job, which caused mass rioting against me at the time.

If me saying those things vexxes you more than your "friend" doing those things to people, you got issues, sir.

You seem to think that I said my piece just because I wanted to kick someone who was down. I'm a better person than that, though I don't need your approval either way. Much of what I said at the time was meant to give honest and frank advise to a man who was clearly heading down a slippery slope, and it was his "friends" who by blasting me and others for that honest advice and criticism who let him off the hook. Real friends would have taken the man aside and said, "look, if you want to be a man, you need to get a job. You need to give people their things back."

I remember many people telling the man, "do what makes you happy, don't worry about any of this". Basically his friends told him to steal!!!!!!! What great advice, I hope you're proud.

I hope its a lesson for those people, that being a "yes man" to a friend is not the same as being a friend.
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It doesn't. And if I thought that Josh had ripped off all of these people (myself included) intentionally I would be the loudest voice in there.

I don't. I think he overreached, and got himself into a position that he couldn't get out of. He still can't. Bankrupt, he walked away from it, and it's ____ing weak. Pathetic, even. He's chosen to act like it never happened, and go on with his life without having to trouble himself further.

I think it's a lot like someone who starts drinking for one reason, and then discovers one day that they have to drink. And they get deeper with every sip, and one day discover that they have to live their lives as an alcoholic, or do the impossible and stop. Most can't. They're weak too. And pathetic.

But I don't look at them as drunks or frauds. I don't think they owe any less to those they steal the life they've wasted from, but I also don't find any satisfaction at their expense when I don't come home every day and inebriate myself.

This is a really hard point to make. My analogy doesn't work very well, but it's close. There's a fine line between passing moral judgement and rote condemnation. If you're not interested in working out the finer details because you got reamed for being tactless, that's certainly your prerogative. Pardon me if I don't like it. That is, if it's not beneath you.
I'm sure thats intended as a veiled slap in my face, at the same time saying you don't slap faces. The funny thing is, that I doubt 6 beers a week makes one an alcoholic like one of your friends labeled me and you choose to believe as fact.
If you need those 6 beers, even if it's only one a night, then it's a problem. A good test is to not drink at all for a month, and see how you feel.

BTW, who are you guys talking about?