Reading SAGA, while trying to keep warm with coffee in hand, with my hot toys lingering in the background.
You live in California. How cold can it be?
Reading SAGA, while trying to keep warm with coffee in hand, with my hot toys lingering in the background.
You live in California. How cold can it be?
Our 40 feels like 10 on our weak unprepared skin [emoji14]We're not use to it. Been in the 80's then suddenly drops to the 40's at night. That's a big drop overnight.
We're not use to it. Been in the 80's then suddenly drops to the 40's at night. That's a big drop overnight.
I know. I have friends there. I was just teasing him. My one friend lives in Palm Springs and when it drops to under 70 she's complaining to me about how cold it is. She said she'd never survive here in Ohio.
My youngest son moved from Vegas to Illinois just recently. Talk about a shock to your system.
First time I went to Vegas it was in November. It was a real shocker walking off that plane! Wow!
That cricket must really like your radio.
...50 hours...
more LOLz at my last day of work. HR wanted to speak with me before my lunch break yesterday, i was this about the fist fight "joke" at the christmas party? she had that wtf are you talking about/did i hear you right look.
apparently, my ex-manager IS an azzhat. it wasnt just me, sick bastard had complaints from 3 female staff members. he may be forced to stand down or get terminated by the looks of it. no wonder i did not see much of him yesterday.
74 hours. This gets better, right?