Finally, another intelligent person around these parts. I was getting pretty desperate, communicating in memes, but hey, better late than never! I don't know if you're aware of this, but there's a very neat little forum with like minded folks, called INTJForums. It's closed to new members at the moment, but you could always message the admins, and if you're interesting enough, they'll let you in.
Either way, I very much enjoyed reading your posts (don't mind the Plebs, they're not operating on the same level as people like us), and would like to give you a warm welcome, good sir!

I hope you didn't take any offense in replacing your writting with Rick, but considering our shared interests, I found the use of the gif appropriate. I mean, who, in this day and age would subscribe to such asine notions, really?
PS: I really don't know if you're aware of this, but there's a book from the... early 1900s I wager, that concers itself with Nihilism and its place in a (then) modern society. It's called "The Five Awful Dreams", and it's by a local writer named "Fraksios". I'm not sure if you'll find much info on the internet though, it's pretty obscure.