Same here, I mean, this is the time to dismantle the Hollywood ****/sex institution, and these ********* are throwing duds at it with these fake ass "rape" stories, everybody burning out their outrage and just letting the collective mind get used to the notion of Pedowood.
It has to be a calculated venting.
Yeah that could be true too. The big rich pedos could be paying to circulate BS stories to have their's lost in the shuffle. It's almost like when everyone was a Nazi, and then the word loses all meaning.
Trump's justice department had over 1,000 sex traffickers locked up not long after he was elected and it wasn't even really reported on. Conspriacytheroristwaterfilter Man said these are the Renfields that gathered them up for the big fish.
Part of me thinks one reason Hollywood was so against him was to hide their dirty laundry.