The thing of it is like most parents we did Toothfairy, Easter Bunny, Santa and all that... which it to say we lied about a bunch of stuff because it was the age appropriate thing to do. Which makes me question my lack of discussing the topic of god and afterlife.
Perhaps I should've just said "yes, there's a god and and all that stuff grandma and grandpa said" and let my kids grow out of it. Or not grow out of it.
I question my own actions. I worry I may be short circuiting their ability to form a faith based view of life just because I moved away from it. Even Homer Simpson holds his nose and drags the family to church but I doubt he's really a believer. In my mind this isn't about religion it's about parenting.
I don't consider myself an Atheist. Most atheists are as dogmatic and evangelical as any bible thumper I've ever met. I've never tried to talk anyone out of their beliefs or shame them. Every Atheist I've met looks down their nose at the "ingorant" believers. Spend five minutes in the Atheism sub-Reddit. I dislike that type of activism.
there was actually a Simpsons episode where Homer wants to stop going to church so he starts his own religion or something like that. I saw it a long time ago so I don't remember everything that happens, but I know his dreams about talking to God in heaven throughout the episode.