Burton is an interesting topic for me. I can't sit through Batman '89 anymore but I do love the aesthetic sensibility and magical realism. Blew my mind as a teenager but that's to be expected.
I understand that Batman Returns is not a well-made film; near as I can tell Burton needed someone to reign him in a bit and a tighter script, but I can watch it maybe once a year (at Christmas) and I still love it. Both for the production design and its connection to a specific time of my life...as an alternative kid who lived for music, went out 5 or 6 nights a week and dated goth girls. I can still smell the incense

-- I wouldn't trade my adult life to go back to that time of youthful ignorance but what a blast it all was. Especially in hindsight. My life is better in almost every conceivable way now, but I can look back very fondly on those shenanigans. Not a bad thing I guess.
The rest of Burton's films I've completely outgrown but find I still love the aesthetic, although I no longer wear black all the time.
Snyder is uneven. I think he tries too hard and his films fall short of what they can be, but he
commits, I'll give him that. I've seen one Bay film (Transformers) and that was more than enough.
It's definitely the nostalgia. Haven't seen Romeo & Juliet in
many years, but I loved it at the time. I guess I was...23? But that goes right back to my young adulthood in the '90s and everything it was connected to. Haven't seen any of his other films.