Super Freak
To put it mildly.
thanks for breaking down his idiocy.
To put it mildly.
I've listened to and appreciated a couple of this guy's videos in the past, but he's talking out of his ass here.
The article he's using to prop up his straw man arguments is *speculative*.
His snark about the 'immune system' betrays his ignorance of how it works.
COVID-19 is *novel*. The H. sapiens immune system does not 'know' how to respond to it and so far, experiments (inadvertent or otherwise) with 'herd immunity' have resulted in what Sweden's leading health strategist admitted as a "...shocking..." death rate.
Currently (this could well change) the virus is poorly understood -- once treated exclusively as a respiratory infection it has been shown to have unpredictable systemic effects.
Hey, you know what virus doesn?t give a **** about your working immune system? HIV. Last time I checked herd immunity to Ebola wasn't a thing either. So yeah, keep comparing this to the seasonal flu.
Crying about 'freedoms' is getting really ****ing old. Your rights end where someone else's begin.
Come right out and say you don't give a **** about the elderly and immunocompromised, and the subset of young, healthy people whose bodies meltdown with cytokine storms due to an overactive immune system, but don't cry freedom.
Maybe I'd like to beat idiots to death in the street for being stupid but we live in an interconnected society where that isn't allowed. You can't **** on the sidewalk because *public health* so I guess that's infringing on freedom too.
His statement that the death rate is in-line with seasonal influenza is debatable at best, grossly inaccurate at worst when you take into account the volume of deaths compressed into a short timeframe.
'Mark of the Beast' LOL -- I don't buy into eschatology, and last time I checked you need extensive digitally stored identity documentation to travel anyway.
'Roadmap to Vaccination': What's his problem with vaccination? Is he seriously an anti-vaxxer or just a conspiracy nut?
There are known existential threats to our massively interconnected civilization: asteroid strike, environmental collapse, nuclear war, and -- oh -- GLOBAL PANDEMIC. Why *wouldn't* health organizations be prepping for this well before COVID-19 struck?
This crisis was only a matter of time given the way our world works today.
I love how he uses the term *so-called health experts* -- LOLOLOL -- I'm sorry, they must *all* be grifters, right? Didn't pass muster when you subjected them to your expert scrutiny?
'NO BODILY AUTONOMY!!* Yeah, I get it. You want to **** on the sidewalk because FREEDOM.
Think very carefully here. 'Mandatory vaccine' is not a 'global population control system' anymore than say ... passports.
No one is kicking your door down to stick a needle in you. Not comfortable with a 'rushed to market' vaccine' (That doesn't exist yet) don't take it. See if it kills people or turns them into zombies first. Maybe you can't travel internationally while you wait for the guinea pigs, but hey -- that's your choice.
He claims 'we're not allowed to question the contents of a vaccine' -- says who? You can get a list of stabilizers, preservatives etc.
'Notice that the term vaccine preventable diseases is also used in the EU health document?' -- what term would you like them to use? What, *that* points to a sinister conspiracy? LOL
The WHO's biggest donor is the Gates Foundation. So ****ing what? That's what billionaire foundations do. If we're lucky.
Vaccination is one of the few homeruns humanity has made in our short technological history. Mandatory vaccinations began some time around the 1800s and have been challenged semi-regularly ever since, and here we go again.
***Edited to correct Tapatalk punctuation bug.
thanks for breaking down his idiocy.
Maybe post this response in the comment section of the YouTube channel and see if he responds.
pretty much sums it up
Yea I bet that?s what you meant. Why be this way? Someone is different from you and that invites your scorn? There?s a term for that you know?
Yea I bet that’s what you meant. Why be this way? Someone is different from you and that invites your scorn? There’s a term for that you know?
Mr Trump said he would have "no problem" with wearing a mask publicly and that he "sort of liked" how he looked with one on, likening himself to the Lone Ranger...
Let’s ignore who you voted for last time, hindsight being 20/20 vision and all that. But now that you have the benefit of that hindsight, who are you going to vote for this time?
You say Trump and I have to ask why? Is it because you’re too lazy to look up the facts about him? Or do you admire liars? Are you a religious nut who just votes as his church tells him? Are you a racist? Or a misogynist.
This isn’t about politics. It’s about morals, ethics and humanity and if we don’t have those things in common then we have nothing left. So if you are going to vote for Trump then please, please unfriend me, or tell me so that I can unfriend you.
Deja Vu.
Saw this today from a facebook friend
Because this sort of virtue signalling was so helpful, so productive and achieved the desired result in the election last time. Oh wait....
''Why is the world so divided?'' the same people will wonder. Hmmm....