Looks good to me. Where did you order your Buzz if I may ask?
Here are the images from the Toys R Us Big Book Commercial. Why are they teasing us???? His legs are long in these shots whats up with that???P.S. Heres the site to see the whole commercial www.toys.com
a slightly better picture of the gloss on the eyes and teeth
love this guy!
This is probably a stupid idea, but after spending a lot of time browsing the Customs forum, I can't help be keep wondering if it'd be possible to mod Woody to look like he does in the movie when he's a toy. Wide eyes, closed mouth smile. Mainly a complete mod of the mouth would be the part that took work. Just interested if it's in anyway possible. I'm even thinking of trying to get Buzz with the wide eyes he has in the TS3 trailer now. More than a simple repaint due to the slight bit of height to the eyelid, though maybe that's not very significant. Unfortunately I haven't gotten any of these yet.
thanks, eczamurai. now I can actually see the gloss. though it kinda looks like he's been crying, heh. could just be the lighting, but Im guessing the gloss bled over the eye whites a tiny bit. teeth look great though.
Finally tracked down the accurate bucket of soldiers. its been driving me crazy owning only the crappy version. also bought RC.
Photo or RC? I hear he isn't the best remote control car...