Woah, wait up....I don't mind doing the whipping but does he have to be nekkid ??![]()
I am a lesbian ya know, we have standards.![]()
King is always pantless! Well, if I'm watching he has to be nekkid, but then, I'm broke, so....

Woah, wait up....I don't mind doing the whipping but does he have to be nekkid ??![]()
I am a lesbian ya know, we have standards.![]()
Look at your two post to date in this thread. They consist either of clapping for someone else, with no added content of your own, or projecting ad hominems at me.
You sneer at me for not taking up what you subjectively deem "cogent, rational thoughts" whilst you have conspicuously failed to develop even one substantive thought of your own on the subject of women in the hobby. I mean that first post was a cut-and-paste and four emoticons...you must have read English at university.
"worthless crusades"
"anger fueled, rambling diatribe"
"your bs"
Plus all of your anger at me in the Penn State (and probably some other) thread, for example:
Get a clue Star Puffs and GTFO!
Seriously, how many board members does it take to shout you down?
...but you think I am a fine person deep down.
You anger at me on a personal level is blindingly obvious.
To expose him as a person too cowardly (or too stupid if you prefer) to defend his actions. The guy can barely write two sentences and as expected he just dodges any challenge put to his little tough-guy persona.
Anyway it was a mistake to respond to you. You have offered nothing original on the actual topic, just but personal vitriol directed at me. If my views make you this angry, for your own sake I advise you put me on ignore.
Objectifying and misogynistic aesthetics in the hobby.
Because I am a woman who otherwise loves 1:6 figures. Would you ask an ethnic minority why they "care so much" about racist imagery? Prejudices and negative imagery wear on people.
Why do you challenge me and not people who hate my opinion so much they post over and over again in this thread?
A mod moved in here from General Collectibles, not my doing. It makes no difference to me.
Wow, wow, wow. You broke character to actually make a sincere, well-written comment. I have to admit I feel totally obliged to reply.
Is it a majority problem? Of course not, nor did I suggest otherwise. Yet it is not quite as rare as you suggest. As several people noted, the Japanese market is absolutely saturated with stuff in this vein, which in turn influences the rest of Asian pop culture. Triad and Phichen are heavily invested in this aesthetic. Sideshow dabbles at it, even messing with totally inappropriate targets like Willow from Buffy. Enterbay seemed to be headed there with its 'girlfriend' line or whatever the hell that is supposed to be.
Fortunately Hot Toys has not gone there, at least not that I can recall.
Except it got exclusively praise before I came along in its original thread, which was in the main Marvel section, not one word of derision or censure.
Well again the complete lack of criticism suggests otherwise, whereas the second I post this thread it draws lightning.
What you consider "self righteous and preachy" I consider being simply condescending and sarcastic as fits a negative attitude towards my target, something certain people might recognise in their own modus operandi. If you consider me, who is considered a very marginal feminist by actual "angry feminists" then I stand no chance of ever addressing this subject in a suitable fashion.
Anita Sarkeesian drew a firestorm of personal abuse for simply announcing she was going to talk about misogynistic tropes in video games, before she actually published any videos. So forgive me if I cannot take your focus on my tone and posture particularly seriously, in fact it sounds a bit paternalistic. Think of how many negative words we have in our language specifically for women with an unwelcome opinion:
Your paragraph above is one long, running act of smug, paternalistic condescension. You as a man are telling me as a woman how I should behave and react to depictions of women by men. That is every bit as bad as white person telling a minority how they ought to feel about racism.
The "I think you need a new hobby" line is typical of the way my views do not just arouse disagreement, but deeply threaten some of you. It would be better if I was just gone. And of course you point to women who you feel are behaving in the proper manner, not disrupting your little club.
No it is not, but there are multiple board members who routinely bring up their emphatically-stated dislikes about the hobby and they do not have people raging at them with quite the personal fervour I inspire in a select group. There are also plenty of people who drop in social and political views constantly, some getting threads locked on a regular basis as a result.
I am sure you will claim it is something uniquely awful about me or my opinions, but the fact remains I am a rare woman on this site who speaks up similarly to the more opinionated male members. And a small core of you seem to hate me for it.
If this were about my opinion and not my gender, you would also address the people who agree with me in similar terms, but that does not happen. A man who agrees with me should be no less "ugly" or an "angry feminist" than I am. Go call a few of them that and see where it gets you.
So you have no original thoughts of your own to develop or share because of what an awful person I am for having the audacity to publicly voice my opinion on subjects? Mkay.
And wow, I am glad to see ink has a mighty champion since he is too cowardly to do much more than sneer at me and run away. Perhaps you can go to the Lance Armstrong thread and address ink's mysterious silence now that Armstrong has confessed to the cheating.
By the way sociologist have studied the phenomenon of women being perceived as dominating a conversation by those present even when we objectively contributed less than men and less than our proportionate share. In other words we are shrill, domineering *****es just for voicing our opinions at all.
I have fewer than 1,900 post in almost four years, which is a far lower out put than a large chunk of the core membership and yet look at your pathetic, disproportionate anger at me. And you are not alone, Bad Moon and Nilitusk come to mind as having become particularly infuriated by my daring to have opinions that differ from their own. Do contrary views really threaten you that much?
Star Puffs -
Do you prefer when a man is a gentleman? Because there are certain gender roles involved such as opening doors, complimenting your appearance, paying for dinner... all of these have been attacked over the years as sexist.
"Why can't I meet a nice guy?" Chances are many of the nice guys who would have said hello during the day at work felt gagged by company HR policies.
^true, extreme feminist view those gentleman gestures/acts of kindness such as those mentioned as non-empowering.
every time that happens to me, i feel like i just lost my good manners to a vibrator.
blackmask is the top poster in this thread.
Once he starts posting, you know the thread has run it's course.
This is everything wrong with this hobby in one photo.
^true, extreme feminist view those gentleman gestures/acts of kindness such as those mentioned as non-empowering.
every time that happens to me, i feel like i just lost my good manners to a vibrator.
Woah, wait up....I don't mind doing the whipping but does he have to be nekkid ??![]()
I am a lesbian ya know, we have standards.![]()
King is always pantless! Well, if I'm watching he has to be nekkid, but then, I'm broke, so....
Well that is too bad for the women you met. I love a man with good manners and who does little romantic gestures. That will never get old in my book. However, when it comes to money - paying for dates, etc...that's where things get complicated for me. We both work hard for our money - why should the man always get stuck paying if we go out when I am also perfectly capable of contributing? The last thing I would ever want is for a date to think I am a gold digger or only dating them so they will buy me things or take me to dinners. Money has never been a motivator for me to date anyone and if I enjoy someone's company, why can't I also pay for dates? Some men get offended by that....and it's not like I'm doing it to lessen their manliness..I'm doing it because I want us to be equal partners and for them to know that I appreciate them.
Nice pic Devil.![]()
then this would have ended in page 6... idiot.![]()
Well I come back after 18 hours or so and...no Grosby. I guess he was not interested in a real debate after all.
Star Puffs -
Do you prefer when a man is a gentleman? Because there are certain gender roles involved such as opening doors, complimenting your appearance, paying for dinner... all of these have been attacked over the years as sexist.
"Why can't I meet a nice guy?" Chances are many of the nice guys who would have said hello during the day at work felt gagged by company HR policies.
Not all men are trying to "put you in your place" Starpuffs. You just look like you're looking for a reason to be offended.
^true, extreme feminist view those gentleman gestures/acts of kindness such as those mentioned as non-empowering.
every time that happens to me, i feel like i just lost my good manners to a vibrator.
Classic manliness is trivialized and mocked.
If you dress nice you're a metrosexual. If you dress up anyway someone is going to accuse you of looking for a new job,
If you work up the nerve to introduce yourself to a woman you're harassing or you're a creepy stalker.
If you enjoy a fine cigar or a cigarette you get to stand on the sidewalk outdoors.
If you love muscle cars you're a poor environmentalist. You're also "Compensating" and will be accused of having a small p---s. Next time you see a woman with a nice car feel free to comment on the size of her breasts. It will go over well.
Our parents and grandparents used to be able to have a drink during lunch. During work hours. And a sit down meal. It was normal.