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I'm OK with it. The more HT puts out that I'm not interested in, the easier it is for me to push them aside and take my business elsewhere. And with the prices seemingly rising with each new release, it's not hard to have a nonchalant attitude about the whole thing.
I'm OK with it. The more HT puts out that I'm not interested in, the easier it is for me to push them aside and take my business elsewhere. And with the prices seemingly rising with each new release, it's not hard to have a nonchalant attitude about the whole thing.

You got to take the good with the bad.

Good = saves you money

Bad = better lines get pushed aside

I could honestly care less that HT keeps cranking out the IM stuff, but that being said, just having something else announced and up for PO every 12 IM announcements would be nice.

Wasn't Barney Ross the last one??
Aside from Iron Man being both an established money maker with a new movie to promote (Terminator only has the former), it more than likely has a blanket license to include all characters in the movie where Terminator does not, making it even easier and profitable to strike while the iron (Man) is hot and release more characters. With Terminator, there are negotiated deals with each actor and we don't know the terms of those deals. This is my uneducated guess.
Aside from Iron Man being both an established money maker with a new movie to promote (Terminator only has the former), it more than likely has a blanket license to include all characters in the movie where Terminator does not, making it even easier and profitable to strike while the iron (Man) is hot and release more characters. With Terminator, there are negotiated deals with each actor and we don't know the terms of those deals. This is my uneducated guess.

At least in the case of Kyle Reese, yes, thats a good point. That shouldn't present any restriction on announcing further T-800s though - Arnie and/or Endo.
T1 police shootout is just one of the most iconic characters/designs in the history of cinema. More and more I'm coming to accept that HT will never release that figure. On the other hand, we will soon see an announcement, I'm sure, of another 3 or 4 Iron Man armors that appears in the background in one scene for about 3 seconds.

Why did I decide to briefly search through the non-custom sections again?
Personally I think a T-800 police shootout and new Endo are inevitable (eventually). Not so sure about Reese, but I'm banking on the other two.

As far as Iron Man goes, I'm not upset but I am fatigued by the non-stop releases. Surely they must be getting close now to having totally saturated the market. It is funny, though. I remember when the PPS line was introduced, 90% were saying 'pass' and now that they've actually announced the PPS Red Snapper, tons of folks seem to be reversing themselves on the line. So maybe we still have a long ways to go before IM fans finally feel content.
They won't just up and give up on the T1 shootout and never release it. They already had the headsculpt made for the teaser.

Maybe hot toys has to produce figures marvel insists on in the licensing deal? Iron man is coming out, marvel/Disney may have said we want this many figures produced in this many formats?
T1 police shootout is just one of the most iconic characters/designs in the history of cinema. More and more I'm coming to accept that HT will never release that figure.

I don't go that far, I believe it'll happen eventually just as DX13 happened eventually, however I just don't understand why Iron Man fans get total disclosure that everything they could possibly want is coming while fans of any other license are left wondering...for years. We're not even talking about pegwarmers here but guaranteed sellers. What does HT have to lose by letting us know that they're on the case?
You got that right, they just bought the biggest Sci-fi franchise on the planet.

They are just building a money making stable. I bet they got DC on their hit list.
They won't just up and give up on the T1 shootout and never release it. They already had the headsculpt made for the teaser.

Yeah, I agree. Plus -- maybe this is naïve -- but it seems to me they're movie fans, too, and T1 PS Termie is as iconic as that character gets.
Yeah, I agree. Plus -- maybe this is naïve -- but it seems to me they're movie fans, too, and T1 PS Termie is as iconic as that character gets.

If it ever gets released, it will undoubtedly be one of the biggest releases the company has ever put out there... if done correctly that is.

It's just been a dead zone of information on it since it was originally teased. I mean, it was teased at the same time as the Endo.

Where is it? :dunno
T1 police shootout is just one of the most iconic characters/designs in the history of cinema. More and more I'm coming to accept that HT will never release that figure. On the other hand, we will soon see an announcement, I'm sure, of another 3 or 4 Iron Man armors that appears in the background in one scene for about 3 seconds.

Why did I decide to briefly search through the non-custom sections again?

I've been talking about a 1:6 scale version of Police Shootout, thats the 1:4 scale one. But yeah, when will we see something new on that.
I kinda think if they debut it as a 1/4, they won't work backwards. Wasn't DX12 shown and then the 1/4 version?
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